Image Processing Library, for now just Color Bleeding to remove artifacts when using sprites.
To generate an executable jar you need to download the project and execute:
mvn package
That will create an executable jar named imageprocessing-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar in the folder target that could be used later to process images.
To run the image processing tool from the jar, just run:
java -jar imageprocessing-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
And it will show the Usage with the following options:
- -debug: Writes debug images without alpha. Default: false
- -dir: Directory containing the images. Required
- -maxiterations: Max iterations to run the algorithm. Default: 2147483647
- -numthreads: Number of threads to use. Default: 8
- -outdir: Directory to use for the output (copy if not overriding and debug image if debug enabled)
- -overwrite: Overwrite Source Images. Default: false
In case you want to use the processor directly from code, you can run:
mvn install
And then include the dependency in your maven project as:
Or if your project is not maven, just copy the imageprocessing-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar file from /target in your project.
After including the project, just add the following code:
Options options = new Options();
options.dir = "/my/directory";
Feel free to add issues, make forks or contact us directly if you have suggestions, bug reports or enhancements.