This project first started as a 3 weeks long school project. The goal of this project was to learn DirectX12 and C++ through a complex project. It was made with the help of :
The goal of these first weeks was to create a 3D space shooter game. The main goal was to learn DirectX12 rendering and how to create a game engine.
The Engine rendering contains multiple features :
- A custom shader system, we can create different shader class linked to different .hlsl files
- Texture rendering
- Directional lighting
- Each shader is bound to a material, bindable to a MeshRenderer
- Particle system with custom particle shader
- Primitive Mesh creation and rendering
- Different renderers to render different types of things
- MeshRenderer for 3D models
- ParticleRenderer for particles
- SkyboxRenderer for skyboxes
- UIRenderer for UI elements
The Engine is based on an ECS system. It contains multiple features :
- Entity creation and destruction
- Component creation and destruction
- Example : Transform, MeshRenderer, ParticleSystem, etc...
- Each component knows the entity it is linked to and the entity's transform
The Engine contains a custom physics engine. It contains multiple features :
- Sphere vs Sphere collision detection
- Space partitioning with classic grid
- Bitmask to know which entities can collide with which
The game is a 3D space shooter. The player controls a spaceship and has to destroy asteroids.
- The player moves is 3 dimensions without any camera lock
- The player can shoot lasers
- The fov changes depending on the player's speed
- Waves of asteroids spawn at regular intervals
- The player can die and respawn