Uses PHPER framework and notify-rs to build the extension. Supports PHP 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 for Linux and macOS.
# For Debian/Ubuntu, llvm version might differ (13/14/15/etc)
sudo apt install gcc make llvm-13-dev libclang-13-dev
# For Alpine Linux, llvm version might differ (13/14/15/etc)
apk add gcc make musl-dev llvm15-dev clang15-dev
# For MacOS
brew install llvm@13
export LIBCLANG_PATH=$(brew --prefix llvm@13)/lib
# recommended rust setup, see
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# build using cargo
cargo build --release
# move .so (Linux) or .so (MacOS) file to your extension dir
PHP_EXTENSION_DIR=`php -r "echo ini_get('extension_dir');"`
mv target/release/ ${PHP_EXTENSION_DIR}/
mv target/release/libphp_ext_fs_notify.dylib ${PHP_EXTENSION_DIR}/fs_notify.dylib
# enable the extension but putting in the ini file
echo '' | tee -a /etc/php/${PHP_VERSION}/cli/conf.d/20-fs_notify.ini > /dev/null
From the release section download the .so (Ubuntu) or .dylib (macOS) file for your PHP version. Lookup the value of your exension_dir, move the extension into that directory. Enable the extension by putting an ini-file in the conf.d folder of your php version. It might look as follows.
PHP_EXTENSION_DIR=`php -r "echo ini_get('extension_dir');"`
# download the extension file into the extension dir
# enable the extension
echo '' | tee -a /etc/php/${PHP_VERSION}/cli/conf.d/20-fs_notify.ini > /dev/null
Create watcher, add paths to watch and start watching with a callback.
$watcher = new FsNotify\RecommendedWatcher();
$watcher->add(__DIR__, recursive: false);
function (FsNotify\Event $event) {
var_dump($event->getKind()); // kind of file/folder event
var_dump($event->getPaths()); // paths
return true; // return false if you do not want to continue
namespace FsNotify;
class RecommendedWatcher
public function __construct();
public function add(string $path, bool $recursive = true): void;
public function remove(string $path): void;
* @param callable(Event): bool $handle
* @throws WatchException
public function watch(callable $handle): void;
class Event
private function __construct();
public function getKind(): string;
* @return array<int, string>
public function getPaths(): array;
class WatchException extends \Exception
Why this extension? With the introduction of native attributes in PHP 8.0, attributes can be placed in many locations. These attributes might influence which actions are available within your application. So the application needs to know these attributes before starting the application. Hence, classes need to be scanned for these attributes.
In our case, the list of folders to scan to see if attribute caches needed to be invalidated, became so large that our development experience suffered from it. Rather than scanning directories on each request, we decided to invalidate caches by watching the folders, and invalidate files that actually changed manually.
Make sure you have Rust installed. See the PHPER introduction for the required build dependencies.
# for debug purposes
cargo build
# for production
cargo build --release
# run tests
cargo test