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Rework command line logic
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Use `OptDescr (RunModifier -> Either String RunModifier)` to build the
`RunModifier` directly, throwing the first error it encounters.

New `CmdlineOpt` class will help define multiple-choice options more
easily in the future.

Signed-off-by: hololeap <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
hololeap committed May 25, 2024
1 parent 2c37972 commit de88261
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303 changes: 160 additions & 143 deletions Distribution/Gentoo/CmdLine.hs
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@@ -1,166 +1,183 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Distribution.Gentoo.CmdLine
( parseArgs
, options
) where

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Proxy
import System.Console.GetOpt

import Distribution.Gentoo.PkgManager
import Distribution.Gentoo.PkgManager.Types
import Distribution.Gentoo.Types
import Output

withCmdMap :: Map String WithCmd
withCmdMap = M.fromList [ ("print", PrintOnly)
, ("run", RunOnly)
, ("print-and-run", PrintAndRun)

defaultWithCmd :: String
defaultWithCmd = "print-and-run"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Command-line flags

parseArgs :: PkgManager -> [String] -> Either String RunModifier
parseArgs defPM args = argParser defPM $ getOpt' Permute options args

argParser :: PkgManager
-> ([Flag], [String], [String], [String])
-> Either String RunModifier
argParser dPM (fls, nonoptions, unrecognized, errs)
| (not . null) errs = Left $ unwords $ "Errors in arguments:" : errs
| (not . null) unrecognized = Left $ unwords $ "Unknown options:" : unrecognized
| (not . null) bPms = Left $ unwords $ "Unknown package managers:" : bPms
| (not . null) bCmds = Left $ unwords $ "Unknown action:" : bCmds
| otherwise = Right rm
-- | A class for multiple-choice options selected by an argument on the command
-- line
class (Eq a, Enum a, Bounded a) => CmdlineOpt a where
-- | Define the short name and an optional description for a constructor
argInfo :: a -> (String, Maybe String)
-- | Define the short name for the multiple-choice argument as a whole
-- e.g. @"action"@
optName :: Proxy a -> String
-- | Define the description for the multiple-choice argument as a whole
-- e.g. @"Specify whether to run the PM command or just print it"@
optDescription :: Proxy a -> String
-- | Define the default constructor for the multiple-choice argument
-- e.g. 'PrintAndRun'
optDefault :: Proxy a -> a

instance CmdlineOpt WithCmd where
argInfo PrintAndRun = ("print-and-run", Nothing)
argInfo PrintOnly = ("print", Nothing)
argInfo RunOnly = ("run", Nothing)

optName _ = "action"

optDescription _ =
"Specify whether to run the PM command or just print it"

optDefault _ = PrintAndRun

argString :: CmdlineOpt a => a -> String
argString = fst . argInfo

argDescription :: CmdlineOpt a => a -> Maybe String
argDescription = snd . argInfo

argHelp :: forall a. CmdlineOpt a => Proxy a -> String
argHelp _ = unlines $ [mainDesc] ++ (args >>= argLine)
(fls', ts) = partitionBy flagToTarget fls
(fls'', pms) = partitionBy flagToPM fls'
(bPms, pms') = partitionBy isValidPM pms
(opts, cmds') = partitionBy flagToCmd fls''
(bCmds, cmds) = partitionBy isValidCmd cmds'
pm = emptyElse dPM last pms'
opts' = Set.fromList opts
cmd = emptyElse (fromJust $ M.lookup defaultWithCmd withCmdMap) last cmds
hasFlag = flip Set.member opts'
pmFlags = bool id (PretendBuild:) (hasFlag Pretend)
. return $ bool UpdateDeep UpdateAsNeeded (hasFlag NoDeep)
rm = RM { pkgmgr = pm
, flags = pmFlags
, withCmd = cmd
, rawPMArgs = nonoptions
, verbosity = case () of
_ | hasFlag VerboseFlag -> Verbose
_ | hasFlag QuietFlag -> Quiet
_ -> Normal
, listOnly = hasFlag ListOnlyFlag
, showVer = hasFlag VersionFlag
, showHelp = hasFlag HelpFlag
, target = last $ OnlyInvalid : ts

-- Command-line flags
data Flag = HelpFlag
| VersionFlag
| PM String
| CustomPMFlag String
| FixInvalid
| RebuildAll
| Pretend
| NoDeep
| QuietFlag
| VerboseFlag
| ListOnlyFlag
| Cmd String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

flagToTarget :: Flag -> Either Flag BuildTarget
flagToTarget FixInvalid = Right OnlyInvalid
flagToTarget RebuildAll = Right AllInstalled
flagToTarget f = Left f

flagToPM :: Flag -> Either Flag PkgManager
flagToPM (CustomPMFlag pm) = Right $ stringToCustomPM pm
flagToPM (PM pm) = Right $ choosePM pm
flagToPM f = Left f

flagToCmd :: Flag -> Either Flag WithUserCmd
flagToCmd (Cmd cmd) = Right $ chooseCmd cmd
flagToCmd f = Left f

chooseCmd :: String -> WithUserCmd
chooseCmd cmd = chooseCmd' $ map toLower cmd
mainDesc = optDescription (Proxy @a)
argLine a = case (L.lookup a argFields, argDescription a) of
(Nothing, _) -> []
(Just s, Nothing) -> [s]
(Just s, Just d) -> [s ++ padding s ++ " : " ++ d]
padding s =
let mx = maximum $ length . snd <$> argFields
in replicate (mx - length s) ' '
argFields = (\a -> (a, showArg a)) <$> args
showArg a = " * " ++ argString a ++ showDef a
showDef a
| optDefault (Proxy @a) == a = " (default)"
| otherwise = ""
args = [minBound :: a .. maxBound]

:: forall a. CmdlineOpt a
=> (a -> RunModifier -> RunModifier)
-> String
-> RunModifier
-> Either String RunModifier
fromCmdline update s rm =
case L.find (\a -> argString a == lowerS) args of
Nothing -> Left $ "Unknown " ++ name ++ ": " ++ lowerS
Just a -> Right $ update a rm
chooseCmd' :: String -> WithUserCmd
chooseCmd' "run" = Right RunOnly
chooseCmd' "print" = Right PrintOnly
chooseCmd' "print-and-run" = Right PrintAndRun
chooseCmd' c = Left c
lowerS = map toLower s
name = optName $ Proxy @a
args = [minBound :: a .. maxBound]

isValidCmd :: WithUserCmd -> Either String WithCmd
isValidCmd = id
parseArgs :: PkgManager -> [String] -> Either String RunModifier
parseArgs defPM args = case getOpt' Permute options args of
(_, _, _, errs@(_:_)) -> Left $ unwords $ "Errors in arguments:" : errs
(_, _, unk@(_:_), _) -> Left $ unwords $ "Unknown options:" : unk
(fs, raw, _, _) ->
postProcessRM <$> foldr (>=>) pure fs (defRunModifier defPM raw)

defRunModifier :: PkgManager -> [String] -> RunModifier
defRunModifier defPM raw = RM
{ pkgmgr = defPM
, flags = []
, withCmd = optDefault $ Proxy @WithCmd
, rawPMArgs = raw
, verbosity = Normal
, listOnly = False
, showHelp = False
, showVer = False
, target = OnlyInvalid

-- | Make sure there is at least one of 'UpdateAsNeeded' or 'UpdateDeep'
-- in 'flags'.
postProcessRM :: RunModifier -> RunModifier
postProcessRM rm = rm { flags = flags' }
| or $ [(==UpdateAsNeeded), (==UpdateDeep)] <*> nubFlags = nubFlags
| otherwise = UpdateDeep : nubFlags
nubFlags = L.nub (flags rm)

options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options :: [OptDescr (RunModifier -> Either String RunModifier)]
options =
[ Option ['c'] ["dep-check"] (NoArg FixInvalid)
"Check dependencies of Haskell packages."
-- deprecated alias for 'dep-check'
, Option ['u'] ["upgrade"] (NoArg FixInvalid)
"Rebuild Haskell packages after a GHC upgrade."
, Option ['a'] ["all"] (NoArg RebuildAll)
"Rebuild all Haskell libraries built with current GHC."
, Option ['P'] ["package-manager"] (ReqArg PM "PM")
$ "Use package manager PM, where PM can be one of:\n"
++ pmList ++ defPM
, Option ['C'] ["custom-pm"] (ReqArg CustomPMFlag "command")
"Use custom command as package manager;\n\
\ignores the --pretend and --no-deep flags."
, Option ['p'] ["pretend"] (NoArg Pretend)
"Only pretend to build packages."
, Option [] ["no-deep"] (NoArg NoDeep)
"Don't pull deep dependencies (--deep with emerge)."
, Option ['l'] ["list-only"] (NoArg ListOnlyFlag)
"Output only list of packages for rebuild. One package per line."
, Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg VersionFlag)
"Version information."
, Option [] ["action"] (ReqArg Cmd "action")
$ "Specify whether to run the PM command or just print it\n"
++ actionList ++ defAction
, Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg QuietFlag)
"Print only fatal errors (to stderr)."
, Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg VerboseFlag)
"Be more elaborate (to stderr)."
, Option ['h', '?'] ["help"] (NoArg HelpFlag)
"Print this help message."
[ Option ['c'] ["dep-check"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { target = OnlyInvalid })
"Check dependencies of Haskell packages."
-- deprecated alias for 'dep-check'
, Option ['u'] ["upgrade"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { target = OnlyInvalid })
"Rebuild Haskell packages after a GHC upgrade."
, Option ['a'] ["all"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { target = AllInstalled })
"Rebuild all Haskell libraries built with current GHC."
, Option ['P'] ["package-manager"]
(ReqArg mkPM "PM")
$ "Use package manager PM, where PM can be one of:\n"
++ pmList ++ defPM
, Option ['C'] ["custom-pm"]
(ReqArg (\s r -> pure $ r { pkgmgr = CustomPM s }) "command")
$ "Use custom command as package manager;\n"
++ "ignores the --pretend and --no-deep flags."
, Option ['p'] ["pretend"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { flags = PretendBuild : flags r } )
"Only pretend to build packages."
, Option [] ["no-deep"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { flags = UpdateAsNeeded : flags r } )
"Don't pull deep dependencies (--deep with emerge)."
, Option ['l'] ["list-only"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { listOnly = True })
"Output only list of packages for rebuild. One package per line."
, Option ['V'] ["version"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { showVer = True })
"Version information."
, Option [] ["action"]
(ReqArg (fromCmdline (\a r -> r { withCmd = a })) "action")
(argHelp (Proxy @WithCmd))
, Option ['q'] ["quiet"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { verbosity = Quiet })
"Print only fatal errors (to stderr)."
, Option ['v'] ["verbose"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { verbosity = Verbose })
"Be more elaborate (to stderr)."
, Option ['h', '?'] ["help"]
(naUpdate $ \r -> r { showHelp = True })
"Print this help message."
pmList = unlines . map (" * " ++) $ definedPMs
defPM = "The last valid value of PM specified is chosen.\n\
\The default package manager is: " ++ defaultPMName ++ ",\n\
\which can be overriden with the \"PACKAGE_MANAGER\"\n\
\environment variable."
actionList = unlines . map (" * " ++) $ M.keys withCmdMap
defAction = "The last specified action is chosen.\n\
\The default action is: " ++ defaultWithCmd

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Utility functions

bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
bool f t b = if b then t else f

partitionBy :: (a -> Either l r) -> [a] -> ([l], [r])
partitionBy f = partitionEithers . map f

-- If the list is empty, return the provided value; otherwise use the function.
emptyElse :: b -> ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> b
emptyElse e _ [] = e
emptyElse _ f as = f as
naUpdate f = NoArg (pure . f)

-- This touches some legacy code so we need a custom handler for it
mkPM :: String -> RunModifier -> Either String RunModifier
mkPM s rm = case choosePM s of
InvalidPM pm -> Left $ "Unknown package manager: " ++ pm
Portage -> Right $ rm { pkgmgr = Portage }
Paludis -> Right $ rm { pkgmgr = Paludis }
PkgCore -> Right $ rm { pkgmgr = PkgCore }
CustomPM _ -> undefined

pmList = unlines . map (" * " ++) $ definedPMs
defPM = "The last valid value of PM specified is chosen.\n\
\The default package manager is: " ++ defaultPMName ++ ",\n\
\which can be overriden with the \"PACKAGE_MANAGER\"\n\
\environment variable."
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Distribution/Gentoo/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ data RunModifier = RM { pkgmgr :: PkgManager
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

data WithCmd = RunOnly
data WithCmd = PrintAndRun
| PrintOnly
| PrintAndRun
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
| RunOnly
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)

type WithUserCmd = Either String WithCmd

Expand Down

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