itrftools is a collection of Python modules/programs to assist the processing and manipulation of ITRF14-related files; ease computation and extrapolation of station coordinates.
The package requires numpy ( and should work both for Python 2.x and Python 3.x. No other requirement exists.
The package is acompanied by a (Python) script under /bin/itrftool, which gets automatically installed (during the ppackage installation process) and can perform:
Coordinate extrapolation to a reference epoch using a SSC file, optionaly including a PSD file (for ITRF2014)
PSD computation (per component)
Stations to be considered can be identified either by their 4-char ID or via their DOMES. See the script's help message for more info.
To install the package and the executable, run (in the folder python/itrftools
$> python install
After that, you should have an executable named itrftools
To make use of the package and/or script, you will need the relevant files (e.g. PSD and SSC files). All of these are publicly available at the ITRF website ( and are NOT included within the package.
There is now a C++ version of the project availabe under the folder cpp
. To install
it (inside the cpp
and you should have the src/itrftool
Compute PSD values for a given date and a list of stations; note that the stations
can be specified either by name (aka their 4-char id) or by DOMES number (or both).
Here we compute the PSD values for stations with id's NRMD, COCO and TONG and stations with
DOME's 97401M003, 50902M001 and 49971M001 for day of year 150 of year 2020 (that is
2020-05-29). Note that the DOMES 50902M001 and the id TONG correspond to the same station,
hence only one record is written for it. Information on computed the PSD values are
extracted from the file ../data/ITRF2014-psd-gnss.dat
. Stations with PSD values of 0e0
do not have corresponding records in the input PSD information file.
$> itrftool -s NRMD COCO TONG -m 97401M003 50902M001 49971M001 -p ../data/ITRF2014-psd-gnss.dat -y 2020 -d 150 --psd-only
NAME DOMES East(mm) North(mm) Up(mm) EPOCH
---- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------------------
97401M003 0.00 0.00 0.00 2020-05-29 00:00:00
COCO 50127M001 14.51 24.50 0.00 2020-05-29 00:00:00
NRMD 0.00 0.00 0.00 2020-05-29 00:00:00
TONG 50902M001 43.78 -13.65 0.00 2020-05-29 00:00:00
Extrapolate coordinates in ITRF2014 at epoch 2020-05-29 for the given stations (some specified by id others by domes). Note that the DOMES 50902M001 and the id TONG correspond to the same station, hence only one record is written for it. Also, there is no record for a station with domes number 49971M001, hence no result is printed.
$> src/itrftool -s NRMD COCO TONG -m 97401M003 50902M001 49971M001 -y 2020 -d 150 -c ../data/ITRF2014_GNSS.SSC.txt -p ../data/ITRF2014-psd-gnss.dat
Reference Frame: ITRF2014, Reference Epoch: 2010-01-01 00:00:00
---- --------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------
COCO 50127M001 -741951.09602 6190961.71574 -1337767.36193 2020-05-29 00:00:00
NRMD 92701M005 -5743538.11585 1380503.86427 -2397895.98837 2020-05-29 00:00:00
REUN 97401M003 3364098.92612 4907944.67286 -2293466.68314 2020-05-29 00:00:00
TONG 50902M001 -5930303.53647 -500148.80597 -2286366.30075 2020-05-29 00:00:00
Minor format changes may be exhibeted between the C++ and the Python implementation; e.g. Python results are not sorted (alphabeticaly)
Compute standard deviation values for the extrapolated station coordinates.
Please send any bugs, feedback, suggestions, comments, etc ..... to [email protected] or [email protected]