Single page personal website. Hosted for free on Google Firebase. Static site is compiled using Gulp.
This site requires Node.js and NPM to be installed for local development. If you have both, you will also need to install the following packages globally:
npm install -g firebase-cli gulp-cli jeet
Initialise your firebase project
firebase init
Then install project dependencies...
npm install
Lightweight Node.js connect server with live reload is used for development and is available on http://localhost:3000/.
HTML is compiled from .pug templates in ./src/templates and copied to ./src/index.html. Edit the pug files to change compiled output.
CSS is compiled from .stylus files in ./src/styl and copied to ./src/css/style.css
JS is edited directly at ./src/js and is minified and concatenated during build
Start the dev server with the default command:
Copies all static files from ./src/app/ to ./dist/. Minifies and concatenates CSS and JS files defined within the usemin blocks and replaces references in index.html to point to the updated file revisions.
gulp build
Deploys static content directory to Firebase - see firebase.json for configuration options. I've used heavy caching on static assets due to cache busting on CSS and JS applied during build via gulp-rev
gulp deploy