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Codeship Status for getguesstimate/guesstimate-server


Development should be done with Docker, which standardizes the environment that's used to run this project.

If you can't or don't want to use Docker, you can read through compose.yaml and Dockerfile configs and adapt them for your own development environment.


  1. Install docker its docker compose plugin. If you're on macOS, either Docker Desktop or Colima are good options.
  2. Run docker compose build.
  3. Run docker compose up. By default, it will expose the server on http://localhost:4000. If you want to use another port, update compose.yaml config accordingly.
  4. Run docker compose run --rm web rails db:prepare to prepare the database.

To see if things are working, try running the tests: docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rspec


API for the main Guesstimate instance,, is deployed on QURI Kubernetes cluster.