pdf-generation of MATLAB(R) plots using matlab2tikz with 'standalone' option
MATLAB2PDF(FILENAME,VARARGIN) generates a 'standalone' LaTeX file using matlab2tikz and compiles this directly to PDF with pdflatex. It cleans up temporary files after compilation.
MATLAB2PDF(FILENAME,VARARGIN) FILENAME is the name of the generated LaTeX and pdf file, with file ending, e.g. THING.TEX or THING.TIKZ, and THING.PDF, respecitively. VARARGIN are (optional) arguments equivalently to MATLAB2TIKZ.
MATLAB2PDF(filename,'extraPackage',CHAR or CELLCHAR,...) adds additional latex packages at the beginning of the output file. (default: [])
MATLAB2PDF(filename,'keepTikzFile',BOOL,...) keeps the 'standalone' Latex file. (default: false)