This project is the result visualizer(facial render) of the paper:
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image(ICCV 2019 Oral)
Paper could be downloaded here.
./exe/hmrenderer.exe /root/to/obj /root/to/norm /root/to/shader
For example:
./exe/hmrenderer.exe ./assets/face.obj ./assets/nrm.png ./src/shaders
If you want to build the source code, you can follow the following introduction. All dependents and libs are included.
├── assets - assets data
├── thirds - dependent libs
├── build
├── src - header files
│ └── includes - main
│ └── renderer_hm - cpp/cc files
│ └── shaders - shders folder
│ └── CMakeLists.txt - cmake list
│ └── depvars.h -
├── exe - windows executable file
├── imgs - screenshots of this software
├── .gitignore
cd to the root of this project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -A X64 -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../thirds ../src