This program maps protein coordinates to genomic coordinates for various protein domains found in a gene. The software takes the following inputs:
- A four-column (tab-separated) file containing information about the protein domains and the associated genes. The first column is the gene symbol. The second column is the transcript id. The third column is the genome build. The fourth column contains the protein domain(s) found in that gene. The format of the fourth column is as follows
Multiple domains should be separated by a semicolon, e.g.:
Example: "Zincfinger,RING-type:24-658;BRCA1,serine-richdomain:345-507;”
- A feature file in gff3 format, corresponding to a specific Human build referenced by the domains fil (e.g. GRCh37), and containing features matching the transcripts in the domains file.
Output: tab-delimited file with the following columns
● Column 1: The gene name. ● Column 2: The genome build. ● Column 3: The chromosome. ● Column 4: The protein domain name ● Column 5: The protein coordinates of the domain. (Format: start-end) ● Column 6: The amino acid length of the domain. ● Column 7: The genomic coordinates of the domain. (Format: start-end) ● Column 8: The length of the domain in genomic space.
*If multiple protein domains exist for a single gene, then each domain will be reported in a separate line.
Activate a Python3 environment (python 3.10 or higher) and install all the dependencies with
make install
Or, directly with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
domain_mapper.py -d DOMAIN_FILE -g GFF_FILE -b BUILD_NAME -o OUTPUT_FILE
A quick validation run can be performed on a small single-domain input and a small gff file, both provided in this package:
cd test/ python3 ../domain_mapper.py -d mini-domains.tsv -g mini-hs38.gff3 -b GRCh38 -o test.out
To run on a full Human genome features gff file, you can download builds GRCh37 and GRCh38 from these sites: https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/grch37/current/gff3/homo_sapiens/ https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-111/gff3/homo_sapiens/
In the gff file, The program expects a single 'Parent' attribute for every CDS feature, with the value being the transcript ID in the format 'transcript:[transcript id]', whichs standard in gff3 format. Example: Parent=transcript:ENST00000681038
The program runs in linear time compexity O(n)