- General
- Project Euler
- Algorithms
- Mazes
- Cellular automata
- Compilers/interpreters
- Programming languages
- Esoteric programming languages
- Game AI
- Games
- Puzzles
- Fractals and L-systems
- Visual/animation
- Tiling and packing
- Physics simulation
- Regex
- Operating Systems
- Computer Science
- Machine learning
- AI
- Cryptography
- Data science
- C
- C++
- JS
- Web development
- Python
- jq
- Ruby
- Raspberry Pi
- Pure Data
- Unix
- Perl
- Prolog
- Code golf
- Scratch/Snap
- Course sites
- Competitive coding
- Security/CTF sites
- Bit twiddling
- Books
- Education
- Jobs
- Interview prep
- Stack Overflow
- Fun
- Inspiration!
- Gene Cooperman's Computer Science Information
- Christopher Alexander's Design Patterns
- Michael Abrash
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-instruction_set_computer
- Cool projects:
- Ultimate guide to FFmpeg
- Next to solve: 189, 244, 726
- #93 Sudoku can also be solved using Integer Linear Programming
- #84 Monopoly is one of the best. Worth solving using both simulation (I used first-class functions) and stochastic matrix (I used numpy). Working out the initial probabilities for the stochastic matrix requires only basic probability, but it's tricky.
- Euler's totient function
- List of algorithms
- Princeton Algorithms
- Stanford CS Education Library
- Berkeley CS61B lectures
- Yale CPSC 223
- Algorithm archive
- Skip list
- Word ladder
- Disjoint set/ union find
- Bellman-Ford
- Self-avoiding walk
- Princeton algorithm assignments
- Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Fermat's factorization method
- Euclid's algorithm
- Karatsuba algorithm
- Simplify a fraction
- Basil & Fabian
- Car talk puzzlers
- Sliding puzzle solving with hill climbing
- Dancing Links
- k-way merge algorithm
- Bentley-Ottmann algorithm
- Coin change
- Maximum subarray problem (Kadane's algorithm)
- Box stacking problem (and other DP problems)
- DP text justify
- DP coin change
- MIT open courseware DP lecture
- Algs/DP
- The "correct change" problem looks like it's equivalent to the "subset sum" problem, which is a special case of the knapsack problem. Wikipedia says these are all NP, but efficiency can be improved by dynamic programming. That's why I'm thinking a transposition table may help.
- Sum numbers in a list
- Knapsack problem
- PE #136, #173, and #174
- Pathfinding algorithm comparison
- Shortest path algorithms
- Floyd Warshall algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Balanced search trees
- Tree traversal construction
- Determine if a tree is a BST
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-child_right-sibling_binary_tree
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree
- Segment trees
- Splay tree
- Think Labyrinth
- Buckblog maze generation algorithm overview
- Maze solving algorithm - Wikipedia
- Mazelog
- Logic Mazes
- Cellular automaton
- Elementary cellular automaton
- Rule 30
- Conway's game of life
- Turmite
- Wolfram cellular automata
- Nature of Code by Shiffman, chapter 7
- Wireworld
- Brian's Brain
- Von Neumann CA
- Langton's loops
- CoDi
- Life-like cellular automata (incl. Seeds)
- Another life-like CA list
- Interactive CA and other sundry JS animations
- Multiple neighborhood CA
- Biham–Middleton–Levine traffic model
- Darwin Pond
- Write a Forth interpreter:
- Stanford compilers courses:
- Udacity programming languages course
- Let's build a simple interpreter
- JS interpreter in JS (good for sandboxing)
- Incremental approach to compiler construction
- Write a compiler
- Crafting Interpreters
- Nystrom's compiler books
- Python interpreter in Python
- nearley/moo js
- Compiler books
- Create a simple tokenizer in C#
- Writing your own toy compiler
- Resources for Amateur Compiler Writers
- Lexical analysis
- Simple tutorial and useful references
- My first language front-end:
- Mega compilers resource
- CS143
- CIS341
- https://tiarkrompf.github.io/notes/?/just-write-the-parser/
- Lisp:
- Let's Build a Compiler, by Jack Crenshaw
- Let's write a compiler, by Brian Callahan
- Let's build a simple interpreter
- Let's build a simple interpreter for APL
- Demystifying programs that create programs
- On Pascal Compilers book
- Write a micro C compiler in Haskell
- tinyc.c
- Cat's Eye
- Esolangs.org
- Esoteric programming languages
- Chess in befunge
- some brainfuck fluff by daniel b cristofani
- IDDFS/single agent search
- IDA*
- A* n puzzle
- A* Jump-point search optimization
- Navmesh
- Breakthrough AI tutorial
- SSS*
- Monte Carlo Tree Search:
- Principal variation search
- MTD-f
- Iterative deepening DFS
- Iterative deepening A*
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Tic tac toe AI
- Minimax:
- Negamax
- Othello basic
- 4 grid games from Al Sweigart
- Game of the Amazons
- List of puzzle video games
- Erik Demaine's Combinatorial Games Page
- Tile-matching video games
- Microsoft Entertainment Pack
- Mahjong solitaire
- 2d visibility:
- Raycasting:
- Minichess
- PicoLisp chess
- Minesweeper with hex grid (try tri grid as well)
- Dots and boxes
- Breakthru
- Beast
- Program arcade games
- BASIC games
- Nim
- Emily's pegs game
- Fire & Ice
- Filler/Qualio
- Tower defense
- Hexapawn
- Octopawn
- Pipe Dream
- Quarto
- Mancala
- Jezzball
- Freerice clone
- Patience
- Boulder Dash
- Ultimate tic tac toe or other variants
- Nine Men's Morris
- Marble Madness
- Loco-Motion
- Digger
- Rummikub
- Hnefatafl
- Hive
- 2048
- Boggle
- Lemmings
- Snake: 2 player versions, add obstacles, snake tetris, ai
- Solved games list
- Mastermind
- Open souce game clones
- List of abstract strategy games
- Cathedral
- Reversi
- Go and similar
- Connection games
- m,n,k game
- Checkers, misere checkers and variants:
- ASCII games:
- Interactive fiction:
- Tile-based game tutorial
- Puzzlescript:
- Logic puzzles list (KenKen, Sudoku, Sokoban, etc)
- Simon Tatham
- Do chess packing puzzles
- Erich Friedman's Puzzle Palace
- Slitherlink
- Rush hour/log jam
- Mindsports (links resource)
- Zendoku puzzle generation
- Sudoku solving algorithms
- Generating sudoku boards
- Mondrian puzzle
- Various puzzles from the Sudoku inventors
- Peter Norvig on Sudoku and other constraint problems (such as the skyscraper puzzle)
- Nonogram
- Ricochet Robots
- Slothouber-Graatsma puzzle
- Packing
- Triomino packing
- Irregular hexagon packing
- Mathematical puzzle
- Dissection puzzle
- Assorted logic games
- Lights Out
- A bunch of puzzle games
- Tangram
- Klotski gone insane (Bricks game)
- TopSpin and other puzzles:
- Bulls and Cows
- Algorithmic Botany
- Space colonization
- Paul Bourke
- Book on JS fractals
- L-systems user notes/manual
- L-system examples
- 2d L-systems
- Harriss spiral
- Full-featured L-systems app
- Hausdorff fractals list
- Abelian sandpiles
- Koch snowflake
- Sierpinski carpet
- Haferman Carpet
- Rose
- Chaos game
- Barnsley Fern
- Core HTML5 Canvas
- Learn graphics from scratch:
- Inspiring zreference projects
- Also inspiring, bit101 dailies
- candusen projects, also dusendusen
- Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization
- Convex hull:
- Delaunay triangulation:
- Graph drawing
- Isometric:
- goto80 ASCII art
- Fibonacci spiral
- Architecture: look for triangle perspective designs, Escher
- Write a script that turns text into blocky ASCII text or renders images in ASCII
- JSXGraph
- Bezier Curves:
- A Primer on Bezier Curves
- Bezier curve tool
- Chaining Bezier curves:
- http://html5tutorial.com/how-to-join-two-bezier-curves-with-the-canvas-api/
- http://www.algosome.com/articles/continuous-bezier-curve-line.html
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12295773/joining-two-b%C3%A9zier-curves-smoothly-c2-continuous
- https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/2000/AGraphHCI/SMEG/node3.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composite_B%C3%A9zier_curve
- https://www.cs.mtu.edu/~shene/COURSES/cs3621/NOTES/spline/Bezier/bezier-der.html
- Splines intro
- Canvas stack
- Create gif from a canvas animation
- Animate the Collatz Conjecture
- ReCode Project (computer art repository)
- CompArt
- The Algorists
- Sol LeWitt
- 3d sombrero and other algorithms
- Necessary Disorder
- ThreeJS fundamentals
- Mr. Doob three.js collection
- Noise in creative coding
- Artblocks
- Inconvergent generative art
- The book of shaders
- https://github.com/lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners
- http://webglfundamentals.org/
- https://learnopengl.com/
- WebGL tutorial
- Try out regl
- https://github.com/regl-project/regl
- https://github.com/regl-project/awesome-regl
- http://regl.party/api
- Erkaman
- An Intro to regl for Data Visualization
- Lubachevsky packing algorithm
- Rhombile tiling
- Tangrams
- Tiling puzzle
- L-systems in inkscape
- Girih tiles
- Wallpaper group
- Morphing Tiling
- Transcendent Code
- Penrose tiling:
- Substitution tiling
- "Isometic" JS example
- Triaki's
- Litema
- Kuba textiles
- Jason Davies
- Circle packing flickr
- Patterns:
- Falling sand game
- Cloth physics
- Verlet integration
- Ragdoll physics
- Coding math tutorial
- Khan Academy natural simulations course
- Double pendulum:
- Game physics cookbook
- Game timers: Issues and solutions
- Jansen's linkage
- Nature in Code book
- Sin & cos:
- Circles bouncing off lines tutorial
- Mary Rose Cook
- Flocking behaviors
- Math for game developers
- Variety of pathfinding tutorials
- Blobs
- Various tutorials for 2d graphics (isometric, polygon, collision, platformers, networking, etc)
- Simple 2d physics engine
- 2d physics engine 3 part tutorial
- Pool hall physics
- Collision detection:
- http://www.dyn4j.org/2010/01/sat/
- https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/collision-detection-using-the-separating-axis-theorem--gamedev-169
- https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15573/2D-Polygon-Collision-Detection
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10962379/how-to-check-intersection-between-2-rotated-rectangles/12414951#12414951
- https://github.com/antishow/collision-demo/tree/master/library/js/src
- http://paulbourke.net/fractals/randomtile/
- https://maryrosecook.com/blog/post/how-to-do-2d-collision-detection
- http://www.metanetsoftware.com/technique/tutorialA.html
- http://www.migapro.com/circle-and-rotated-rectangle-collision-detection/
- https://gist.github.com/eliasdaler/502b54fcf1b515bcc50360ce874e81bc
- https://gist.github.com/cwleonard/e124d63238bda7a3cbfa
- https://gist.github.com/LindseyB/394536
- https://gist.github.com/enghqii/5af2512ced10849016e635fcf2d15d29
- https://github.com/tetoblivion/Collision_response_with_rotation/blob/master/respondToCollision.cpp
- https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/32611/what-is-the-best-way-to-handle-simultaneous-collisions-in-a-physics-engine
- Quadtrees:
- Advanced regex features ref sheet
- Catastrophic Backtracking
- Implementing Regular Expressions
- Write a regex engine
- Mini regex
- Replace with conditional
- True power of regex
- Regex golf
- let's build a regex engine
- CS4210 archive
- Operating Systems notes
- OS @ NYU
- Berkeley CS162
- What every programmer should know about memory
- The Little Book of Semaphores
- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
- Bottom up CS
- Rick Hehner's top 10
- SAT SMT by Example book
- Software foundations book series
- List of CS conferences
- Cryptopals challenges
- A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography / https://toc.cryptobook.us/
- DH key exchange in plain English
- Understanding how AES encryption works
- Datacamp
- APIs/Datasets
- https://github.com/toddmotto/public-apis
- https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis/blob/master/README.md
- https://apilist.fun/
- https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-cool-fun-random-APIs-such-as-BreweryDB
- https://botwiki.org/resources/datasets/
- https://botwiki.org/resources/apis/
- https://randomuser.me/api/?results=100
- unsplash photo API
- makeup
- diatoms
- https://github.com/awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets
- https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data
- R datasets
- data.gov
- CIA world factbook:
- https://github.com/erikgahner/PolData/blob/master/PolData.csv
- https://github.com/jldbc/gunsandcrime
- https://gist.github.com/klmr/23ed79f973c75b11b0b5
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/health/interactives/guns/ownership.html
- https://pipedream.com/
- https://example-data.draftbit.com/
- https://github.com/vera-institute/incarceration_trends
- Inspirational projects:
- C++ SFML for games and graphics
- Async C++ tutorial
- HTML boilerplate
- Jamstack/gridsome
- Fly.io has a free tier
- Render (free tier DB is wiped after 30 days)
- Linode
- Static site hosts:
- Grid
- Rachel Andrew (CSS grid examples)
- CSS cube
- w3 core stylesheets
- CSS validator
- 58 bytes of css that look great nearly everywhere
- Good classless CSS stylesheets:
- Hack CSS
- GH markdown
- latex css
- spcss
- CPython source code guide
- Host a free Python web app
- NLTK book
- Pygame
- Flask:
- Computer vision with python
- Effective Python
- Python Challenge
- Sessions/logins:
- http://culttt.com/2013/02/04/how-to-save-php-sessions-to-a-database/
- http://shiflett.org/articles/storing-sessions-in-a-database
- http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php
- https://www.sitepoint.com/writing-custom-session-handlers/
- https://github.com/sprain/PHP-MySQL-Session-Handler/blob/master/MySqlSessionHandler.php
- https://github.com/JamieCressey/PHP-MySQL-Session-Handler
- https://github.com/kahwee/php-db-session-handler
- https://www.allphptricks.com/simple-user-registration-login-script-in-php-and-mysqli/
- http://www.eggslab.net/php-login-script/
- https://www.formget.com/login-form-in-php/
- PHP game scripts
- Websocket chat
- PHP Sadness
- More PHP Sadness
- Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby
- Programming Ruby
- Understanding Ruby blocks, Procs and methods - Eli Bendersky's website
- MIPS system calls
- Learning MIPS and SPIM
- recursion
- https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse378/09wi/lectures/lec05.pdf
- https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse378/07au/lectures/L4.pdf
- https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse410/09sp/examples/MIPSCallingConventionsSummary.pdf
- https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MIPS_Assembly/Control_Flow_Instructions
- https://www.coursehero.com/file/45823007/cs311-03-isa-Ipdf/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ltaJ5UU5I
- https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/mips/
- https://chortle.ccsu.edu/AssemblyTutorial/index.html
- https://web.archive.org/web/20220426233616/http://www.cs.uwm.edu/classes/cs315/Bacon/Lecture/HTML/ch05s03.html
- http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~ghosh/1-28-10.pdf
- https://web.archive.org/web/20200216091023/http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs1521/17s2/docs/spim.php
- https://www.dsi.unive.it/~gasparetto/materials/MIPS_Instruction_Set.pdf
- https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/lab/secondyear/spim/node9.html
- https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/lab/secondyear/spim/node20.html
- https://www.math.unipd.it/~sperduti/ARCH09/mips_assembler.pdf
- http://www.mrc.uidaho.edu/mrc/people/jff/digital/MIPSir.html
- function call with more than 4 args
- MIPS dynamic memory:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15690978/how-to-use-system-call-9-in-mips
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22588905/mips-dynamic-memory-allocation-using-sbrk
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41560465/mips-how-to-store-a-string-in-dynamic-memory-heap
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9935982/how-can-i-store-a-string-in-mips-using-dynamic-memory
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28790345/mips-dynamic-array-error
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13895606/dynamic-allocation-for-arrays-in-mips
- Stack/frame pointers and functions:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46797915/what-are-the-advantages-of-a-frame-pointer
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27330242/mips-trying-to-copy-array-using-stack
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3222861/recursion-in-mips
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19612459/mips-how-does-mips-allocate-memory-for-arrays-in-the-stack
- 64 bit add/sub
- https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee182/Projects/PA2/simulator.s
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36815882/mips-how-to-add-one-string-to-another
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7865870/how-to-concatenate-string-in-mips
- https://www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/write-program-read-following-text-file-line-line-detect-words-palindromes-use-palindrome-p-q19403822
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33377649/in-mips-how-to-use-syscall-14-to-read-through-a-long-file
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2575867/reading-the-file-name-from-user-input-in-mips-assembly
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59534066/how-can-i-read-my-whole-txt-file-in-one-string-in-mips
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19612459/mips-how-does-mips-allocate-memory-for-arrays-in-the-stack
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15940331/convert-string-of-ascii-digits-to-int-in-mips-assembler
- https://fog.ccsf.edu/~gboyd/cs270/online/mipsIV/mipsIV_probs.html
- https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse410/09sp/examples/MIPSCallingConventionsSummary.pdf
- https://fog.ccsf.edu/~gboyd/cs270/online/mipsIV/procedures.html
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4881233/2d-array-in-mips
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40246994/mips-assembly-code-to-find-all-the-prime-numbers-below-an-inputted-number
- http://www.cs.iit.edu/~virgil/cs470/Labs/Lab7.pdf
- Thinkingeek Raspberry Pi Asssembler:
- ARM Assembly Using Raspberry PI
- Hello ARM
- Tutorials:
- Introduction to Computer Organization: ARM Assembly Language Using the Raspberry Pi
- Baking PI OS course
- Extending the life of the SD card:
- QCGInteractive PD tutorial videos
- Pure Data Wavetable Synth – Part 6
- Pure Data readings
- Pd/Py sockets:
- Forkphorus
- Sulfurous
- Useful Scratch reference topics:
- Snap instead of Scratch
- Multiwingspan projects
- funut YT
- Coding the Matrix (linear algebra through CS)
- Nand2Tetris
- Udacity intro to theoretical CS
- Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp
- Lynda SFPL
- Coursera algorithms classes (pts 1 & 2)
- Egghead
- Jeff Erickson's algorithms
- UW Data Structures & Algorithms
- Math:
- Intro to computer organization x86-64
- Stanford NLP/compilers courses
- Learn 3d computer graphics programming
- Conway's Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction
- Ray tracing in one weekend
- Algorithms for Decision Making
- Google Code Jam archive
- Go-Hero has archive all the past Google Code Jam problems w/ solutions
- Daily Programmer
- Math problems
- Learneroo
- Topcoder
- Hacker Earth
- Code chef
- Exercism
- Kattis
- Coding Bat
- Timus
- Code kata
- Root me
- Introduction to programming contests
- Codeforces
- Tons of tips & links
- SWERC past problem sets
- Internet Problem Solving Contest — IPSC
- interviewbit
- rosalind bioinformatics problems
- Codility
- Algorithms for Competitive Programming
- CP Book
- bugfix-66
- Hacking competition for kids
- https://hackthissite.org/
- https://www.hackthebox.eu/
- https://pwnable.kr/
- https://pwnable.tw/
- http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html
- http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=78
- List of free online CS books
- Teach yourself CS
- Think Bayes/DSP/Complexity/OS/etc
- Definitive C++ book list
- Fuzzing book (software testing)
- Discrete Math
- "Book of Proof" Hammack
- Craft of Text Editors
- Stack computers
- http://www.realtimerendering.com/blog/an-introduction-to-ray-tracing-is-now-free-for-download/
- Physically Based Rendering
- Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
- Introduction to Operations Research
- OpenDSA Books
- 3d math primer for graphics and game development
- Computational Music Synthesis
- High performance browser networking
- Lisp books
- Functional programming in OCaml
- Real-world OCaml
- Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation
- The Node Experiment - Exploring Async Basics with Rust
- Web browser engineering
- Joy of Cryptography
- Haskell School of Music
- Web audio book
- Handmade Electronic Music -- The Art of Hardware Hacking (2006)
- Probability for Data Science
- Haskell Book
- Writing a Simple Operating System From Scratch
- Beautiful Racket
- OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful
- Python for Data Analysis, 3E
- Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science
- Elements of Programming
- Writing An Interpreter In Go
- Building Git
- Algorithms for Modern Hardware
- Free Computer Books
- Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
- UC Davis (requires GRE)
- DSU (seems reasonable!)
- Berkeley EECS
- NSU (prob too expensive, ~$74k)
- Aspen
- Aja: this is a no-go. It's a private, for-profit university - that's one red flag. The other is that it is only basically accredited, and we want regionally accredited. I know that sounds backwards, but regional accreditation transfers anywhere, and lots of places don't recognize national accreditation as legitimate.
- Getting a Computer Science PhD in the USA
- PhD from Penn State (engineering, specialization in computing)
- UW embedded programming certificate
- 55 MOOC-based master's degrees
- CSU online certificates
- VT
- Adv. certif. in web/mobile via SDSU
- Northeastern Silicon Valley
- Remember to convert EST to PST for registration
- CSE 6220 Intro to High Performance Computing (text: George Karypis - Parallel Computing)
- CS 6265 Information Security Lab
- ISYE 6501 Intro to Analytics Modeling
- CS 6260 Applied Cryptography
- CS 6035 Intro to Information Security
- CS 6250 Computer Networks
- CS 7280 Network Science
- ISYE 6644 Simulation
- CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence
- interesting 6310 textbooks
- Fall 18: CS 6200 Intro to Operating Systems
- Spring 19: CS 6210 Advanced Operating Systems
- Summer 19: CS 6340 Software Analysis and Test
- Fall 19: CS 6290 High Performance Computer Architecture
- Spring 20: CS 8803-O08 Compilers
- Spring 20: CS 6291 Embedded Systems Optimization
- Summer 20: CS 7638 AI for Robotics
- Fall 20: ECE 8843 Side channels and their role in cybersecurity
- Spring 21:
- CS 6515 Graduate Algorithms
- CS 7210 Distributed Systems
- MUS 3A Diatonic Harmony (take MUS 100 first)
- MUS 5A Introduction to Composition (take MUS 100 first)
- MUS 28 20th Century Music
- MUS 100 Music Fundamentals
- MUS 128 Survey of Contemporary and Electronic Music
- MUS 22A History of Music in Western Culture: Medieval and Renaissance Music
- CS 150P SQL Server T-SQL Programming
- CS 155B MySQL Database Administration
- CS 155P MySQL Programming
- CS 177 Software Engineering
- CS 178 Build Automation for DevOps & QA
- CS 197P Technical Interview Prep
- CS 197V Version Control & Code Repos
- CS 199 Independent Study
- CS 211E Advanced Java: Enterprise Edition
- CS 231 Advanced Python Programming
- CS 260P Linux Administration Projects
- CS 256 Data Visualization
- CS 280 Introduction to Parallel and Cloud Programming
- CNIT 40 DNS Security
- CNIT 102 Operating Systems II - Command Line
- CNIT 103 Computer Hardware
- CNIT 106 Introduction to Networks
- CNIT 120 Network Security
- CNIT 121 Computer Forensics
- CNIT 122 Firewalls
- CNIT 123 Ethical Hacking
- CNIT 124 Adv. Ethical Hacking
- CNIT 126 Practical Malware Analysis
- CNIT 127 Exploit Development
- CNIT 128 Hacking Mobile Devices
- CNIT 129S Securing Web Applications
- CNIT 132S SEO & Analytics for Web Dev
- CNIT 133I JavaScript for IoT and XR
- CNIT 133M Mobile Web w/HTML, CSS & JS
- CNIT 141 Cryptography For Computer Networks
- CNIT 155 AWS Cloud Practitioner
- CNIT 182 Hacking and Securing Automotive Systems
- CNIT 195 Web Development Capstone
- CNIT 203C Scaling Networks (if taking 20XC, check to see if you can work ahead on discussion questions and exams using the questions in Cisco's "What will I learn to do in this module?")
- CNIT 204C Connecting Networks
- CNIT 205C CCNA Security
- CNIT 214 Internet of Things
- CNIT 216 Internet of Things Security
- MATH 80 Probability and Statistics
- MATH 90 Precalculus Algebra
- MATH 95 Trigonometry
- MATH 108 Foundations of Data Science
- MATH 110A Calculus I
- MATH 115 Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 120 Linear Algebra
- ELEC 101 Electronics I: Essentials of Electronics - Measurements and Passive Circuits
- FIN 136M Personal Financial Planning - Math Emphasis
- FIN 138 Principles of Investment
- GEOL 10 Physical Geology
- BIO 114 Exploring Neuroscience: An introduction to the Brain
- BIO 118 Introduction to Entomology
- (Diablo Valley College) COMSC-260 - Assembly Language Programming/Computer Organization
- Data Science Fundamentals (need CS256, MATH80)
- Databases for Developers (need CS155P and CS231 or CS211E)
- Computers and Music (need mus100, mus128, cs170, cs110a)
- C++ (need cs110b, cs110c)
- Security for Web App Development (need CNIT 129S, CNIT 120)
- Mobile Web App Development (need CNIT 133M)
- Advanced Web Development Techniques (need CNIT 133M, CNIT 132S, CNIT 195)
- CNIT131a XML and JSON
- CNIT131h Introduction to HTML and CSS
- CNIT132 Intermediate HTML and CSS
- CNIT133 Interactive Web Pages: JavaScript
- CNIT133a JavaScript Libraries/Frameworks
- CNIT134 Server Side Technologies for the Web
- CNIT197 Internship and Work Experience
- CNIT201C Introduction to Cisco Networks
- CNIT202C Routing and Switching Essentials
- CS111a Intro to Programming: Java
- CS111b Programming Fundamentals: Java
- CS111c Data Structures & Algo: Java
- CS114d C# with Database
- CS130a PHP Programming
- CS130b Advanced PHP Programming
- CS132a Ruby Programming
- CS150a SQL Server Databases
- CS160a Introduction to Unix/Linux
- CS160b Unix/Linux Shell Scripting
- CS195 Software Development Practicum
- CS211s Advanced Java: Standard Edition
- CS211D Android Programming
- CS230w WordPress and Drupal CMS Development
- CS232 Ruby on Rails Development
- CS260A Linux System Administration
- CS270 Comp Architecture w/ Assembly
- Android
- Java
- Web application programming
- Computing skills for scientists
- JS specialist
- Web site development techniques
- Mobile web app development
- Front-End Web Development
- Linux sys admin
- Freelancing contracts:
- Freelancing tips/guides/tutorials:
- Remote/freelancing:
- Repsonding to freelancing gig offers
- Job boards:
- Potential:
- Slack
- Airtable
- Salesforce
- CCSF professor
- Juni
- Codepath content creator or engineer
- Thinkful web dev instructor or engineer
- General Assembly teaching
- Users I like:
- Kaiido (web graphics)
- gman (web graphics)
- blindman67 (web graphics)
- kaya3 (Python, algorithms)
- trincot (algorithms)
- Carcigenicate
- NikiC (PHP core/internals/compilers)
- templatetypedef (computer science)
- rici (algorithms)
- Ciro Santilli
- nneonneo
- ikegami (perl)
- mob (perl)
- Peter Cordes (MIPS, assembly, architecture)
- Brendan (assembly)
- Users to avoid: