- Project name
- Link to working code in a public repo OR PR link to a public repo: https://github.com/giggling-ginger/decentralised-twitter
- Recorded video demo of the integration (max. 3 mins): https://youtu.be/Ok1ZEWSW_GU
- Live URL with working integration: https://decentralised-twitter.vercel.app/
- Person of contact in case there are any questions: [email protected]
- Discord ID: giggling-ginger#9482
- UnstoppableDomain registered account email address: [email protected]
- Using the Lens API, query a new piece of information.
- Do authentication and mutations for actions such as reacting, following, or creating new publications.
- Deploy the app to Repl.it
- Use the Lit Protocol SDK to token-gate access to my Lens protocol posts so that only MintKudos token holders can view them.
- using Lens Protocol
- learned with RoadToWeb3, awesome challenges!