This repository provides a Python implementation of a Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model based on the Pitman-Yor Process (HPYLM). It is largely based on the work of Prof. Dr. Y. W. Teh (see References).
The code here provided is meant rather as a proof of concept than an efficient implementation. You should look elsewhere if you want to estimate language models on a large corpus.
Reasonably recent versions of python3
, nltk
, numpy
and pickle
are expected.
$ python3 src/ [-h] --train TRAIN --out OUT [--order ORDER] [--niter NITER]
The script accepts the following arguments:
: shows usage information. -
--train TRAIN
: specifies a training file in text form (system path). -
--out OUT
: specifies the output model file (system path). -
--order ORDER
: length of contexts (default: 3). -
--niter NITER
: number of iterations over the training data (default: 10).
$ python3 src/ [-h] --test TEST --model MODEL
The script accepts the following arguments:
: shows usage information. -
--test TEST
: specifies a test file in text form (system path). -
--model MODEL
: specifies the model file produced by (system path).
Y. W. Teh. A Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model based on Pitman-Yor Processes. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 985–992, 2006.
Y. W. Teh. A Bayesian Interpretation of Interpolated Kneser-Ney. Technical Report TRA2/06, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 2006.