Use Firebase with a basic SQL-like promise-based syntax.
fire2sql is available on npm as firebase-admin:
$ npm install --save fire2sql
To use the module in your application, require it from any JavaScript file:
var Fire2SQL = require("fire2sql");
If you are using ES2015, you can import the module instead:
import Fire2SQL from "fire2sql";
(npm 3 behavior assumed)
You will need at least one of the following packages to use fire2sql, according to your project structure.
Realtime Database:
Cloud Firestore:
- none
Include firebase
// example using ES2015 syntax
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
import * as Fire2SQL from 'fire2sql';
or firebase-admin
// example using CommonJS syntax
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const Fire2SQL = require('fire2sql');
then, if you properly initialized Firebase, you can pass the "firebase" (or "admin") variable to the constructor.
new Fire2SQL(firebase)
.where("age", ">=", 18)
.orderBy("displayName") // --> "orderByChild" will be used
.limit(10, 1)
new Fire2SQL(admin)
.where("date", "between", "2017-09-01", "2017-09-31");
.orderBy("date", "DESC") // --> "orderByChild" will be used
new Fire2SQL(admin)
.orderBy(null, "DESC") // --> "orderByValue" will be used
Returns the promise of a json object
{k0: v0, k1: v1, ...}
Returns the promise of an array of key/value pairs (similar to Object.entries())
[[k0, v0], [k1, v1], ...]
Returns the promise of an object with "keys" and "values" attrubutes (similar to Object.keys() plus Object.values())
{keys: [k0, k1, ...], values: [v0, v1, ...]}
Returns the promise of a Map object
{k0 => v0, k1 => v1, ...}
Returns the promise of an array of Firebase references
[Reference0, Reference1, ...]
Returns the promise of a pure Firebase query (non-native query options will not be applied)
- sometime, superfluous (respect to the request) data could be downloaded, although it's not included in the results
- you can perform just only one "when"
- "when" available operators are: "==", ">=", "<=", "between" (inclusive)
- "orderBy" and "limit" could be computed client-side
- no advanced SQL functions support, i.e. wildcards, aliaes, join, like, count, distinct, date_format, views, functions, ...
- "select" always return all columns ("*" is used in examples just for readability)
- "from" accepts only one path
- no advanced Firebase functions support, i.e. transaction, users, priority, ...
- not realtime (under consideration)