This package contains a ROS2 node that interfaces with the Waypoint Follower in the nav2 stack that takes in a csv file in points described of by x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw. it then hooks into the initial pose message to ensure the initial pose is set and its set in the map frame before it publishes the vector of poses to the WayPoint Follower.
- nav2_msgs::action::FollowWaypoints
- nav2_msgs::action::FollowWaypoints::Goal();
- /initialpose
- this package can taken in one param which is a csv file of points you want the robot to follow in order
one potential improvement is finding a better way to parse the csv file
by default follow waypoints is set to default. so I exposed a launch arguement called follow_waypoints that you would tack onto the end of your launch command.
for example to launch mammoth in waypoint mode you would type ros2 launch mammoth_snowplow follow_waypoints:=true
and the node will listen for the initialpose to be published and then start navigating from there.