Simple App to track training progress
aws cloudformation package --template-file ./template.yaml --s3-bucket training-stats --output-template-file packaged.template.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged.template.yaml --stack-name training-stats --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
curl -X POST
-F client_id=<client_id>
-F client_secret=<client_secret>
-F 'callback_url='
-F 'verify_token=STRAVA'
This will trigger a callback validation from the Strava Subscription service in the form of a GET request made to the curlback_url provided in the above subscription push.
Example Validation Request $ GET
Had to manually deploy the strava-sub-handler API via console to take effect. Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment - doesn't appear to have run
Once the subscription has been setup, I had to accept an auth request via the strava console with the correct scope:
Then take the returned code an request a refresh and bearer token curl -X POST -d client_id=11111 -d client_secret=secret -d code=6cfc52194c8047eaf007cf56d3a6ef5356846637 -d grant_type=authorization_code
Then actually make a call to the API to enable the end to end webhook flow
curl -G -H "Authorization: Bearer replace_with_bearer_token" curl -G ""
Saved Mapping template:
"TableName": "table-name",
"Item": {
"object_id": {"N":