A simple Emojicode HTTP library to get data from the internet!
⚠️ This software has not been tested on Windows!⚠️
The required packages needed to use this library are:
- 📦 json 🏠
- 📦 sockets 🏠
- 📦 emojihttp 🌐
💭 A basic GET request
🆕🔶🌐🗺️ 🔤jsonplaceholder.typicode.com🔤 🔤/todos/1🔤❗ ➡️ json_get_request
🆗 🚀request❗ 🍇
😀 💪request❗❗
🙅 error 🍇
😀 💬error❗❗
You can find many more examples in the request tests file.
To run the test suite, you must have GNU Make installed on your machine.
make test
make package