A front-end exercise using react and a few animations libraries.
node version: v14.13.0
Demo of the app here: https://cranky-kilby-b9f0fe.netlify.app
Run the project on your computer. It will be available at
npm run dev
will watch for file changes and new import
it will automatically update the app in your web browser.
npm install
npm run dev
Using Parcel as bundler.
Fork the project on your Github account and deploy it on Netlify for free.
A configuration file and the deploy script are already set.
the following command will only build the project for production. It will not watch for file changes.
npm run build
- Mobile accessibility
Refactoring had to be done on the styling, I originally usedvh
at many places but I realized after deploying and trying on a phone that it was breaking most of the layout. Few issues : items overlapping making interaction not possible anymore, animation happening away from their initial place. - Animations
The animations where a tough part, I don't have much experience with animation or SVG so I had to take time to learn and find a suitable solution for that experimental version. I finally found and adapted wavify, a react library that can generate waves. For the bubbles, I used Particles that I have used previously. From the original UI/UX I had to skip the text animation part. I wasn't far but faced different issues with other states of the application; so I decided to work on what I had and move forward.
- User experience As an app targeted for mobile, It would be interesting to implement device functionalities instead of a range slider. A call to action to wipe the screen up and down to fill the glass with beer.
- Break the layout into smaller components
- Organize the sass files for more modularity
- Find a better way to handle all the states on the page. Maybe find and easier behaviour handeling with a class component and the context api.
- Animate the text when it's updated. May need to be able to keep an history of the messages and only update when a new value is injected.
- There is a
high severity vulnerability
for node_forge in parcel's depencies. The documentation and the bundler devs say it has 0 impoact as it isn't used by parcel itself. We could look into that and see if there's a way to fix that issue.