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Notes on macOS installation

aliz237 edited this page Oct 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

Notes on macOS Installation

  1. Install python, pip and octave first if not already installed.
  2. Run octave in a terminal, then from within octave:
octave:1> pkg install -forge symbolic
For information about changes from previous versions of the symbolic package, run 'news symbolic'.
octave:2> pkg load symbolic
octave:3> syms x
Symbolic pkg v3.0.1: Python communication link active, SymPy v1.11.1.
octave:4> f = (sin(x/2))^3
f = (sym)

  sin ⎜─⎟

octave:5> diff(f, x)
ans = (sym)

       2⎛x⎞    ⎛x⎞
  3⋅sin ⎜─⎟⋅cos⎜─⎟
        ⎝2⎠    ⎝2⎠


References: See the readme file here: