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[DRAFT] Getting the grid database

Gautam Dey edited this page Jul 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

The shape files for the GID Grid Layers can be found at the National Geospatial-intelligence agency website

To import the data into postgres run the following commands.

  1. create a new database psql -U postgres -C "CREATE DATABASE utm_grid"
  2. enable postgis psql -U postgres -d utm_grid -C "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

go into the directory where you download the data set and run the following ogr2ogr script: ogr2ogr -update -append -nln mgrs_grids -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"port=5434 user=gdey dbname=utm_grid" MGRS_1km_11S_unprojected.shp

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