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Functions/Methods to easily integrate UnitsNet with EntityFrameworkCore. Currently, this only has Value Conversions. Feel free to open a new issue if there are features we can add to this library.


Run the following command in your Package Manager Console:

install-package UnitsNet.EntityFrameworkCore

Value Conversion

builder.Property(x => x.MyLength).HasConversion(LengthUnit.Meter);

Full Sample:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using UnitsNet;
using UnitsNet.EntityFrameworkCore;
using UnitsNet.Units;

public class FooContext : DbContext
    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<Foo>(builder =>
            builder.Property(x => x.MyLength).HasConversion(LengthUnit.Meter);
            builder.Property(x => x.MySpeed).HasConversion(SpeedUnit.KilometerPerHour);

public class Foo
    public Length MyLength { get; set; }
    public Speed MySpeed { get; set; }