This project is an iOS app that utilizes the Coinranking API obtained from RapidAPI. It is created as a project for the Mobile Application Programming course and it is aimed to display the current price updates of various cryptocurrencies. The app is designed with a TableView interface and includes a like/favorite button for each currency. Additionally, users can view a page that displays all the cryptocurrencies they have liked.
To use this app, you need to have an iOS device running iOS 14.0 or later. Clone the repository and open the project using Xcode. To run the app on your device, connect it to your computer and select your device as the build target.
This iOS app provides the following features:
- Display current price updates of cryptocurrencies using the Coinranking API
- Utilize a TableView interface to display the cryptocurrency data
- Allow users to like/favorite a particular currency by tapping on the like button
- Provide a page that displays all the cryptocurrencies that the user has liked
The following dependencies are used in this project:
- Swift 5.4
- Alamofire 5.4.4
- SwiftyJSON 5.0.1
The app utilizes the Coinranking API provided by RapidAPI. You can learn more about this API by visiting
This iOS app demonstrates the use of the Coinranking API to display current cryptocurrency price updates in a TableView interface. Users can like/favorite a particular currency and view all the cryptocurrencies they have liked. It serves as a great example of how to integrate an API into an iOS app.