Link | Contents |
Website | Instructions for reproducibility, data dictionaries, lab notes |
PsyArxiv | Preprint and figures |
GitHub | Code, preprint and figures |
OSF | Code, preprint, and results (model outputs) |
Docker | Docker image with reproducible RStudio session |
This repository is organised as follows:
- data: processed data in CSV format
- items.csv: information about words included in the analyses
- participants.csv: information about participants
- responses.csv: participant responses to the items. The model was fit on this dataset.
- data-raw: raw data from the Barcelona Vocabulary Questionnaire, BVQ. This is a RDS file containing a list of data frames with all the information necessary to generate the datasets in the data/ directory.
- docs: source code to generate the documentation site of the project (cognate-beginnings).
- manuscript: Quarto document with the source code of the manuscript and appendix
- R: R functions used in the targets to process and analyse the
- processing.R: code that preprocesses the raw data to generate
, anddata/responses.csv
- models.R: to fit the Bayesian model and extract posterior draws
- utils.R: helper functions and wrappers used across in processing.R and models.R
- processing.R: code that preprocesses the raw data to generate
- renv: internal settings to ensure reproducibility of the computing environment.
- results: model outputs. You will need to run the code to
generate the files that will be contained in this directory.
- fits: RDS files with the brmsfit of the Bayesian models
- posterior: CSV files with the posterior draws of the population-level and group-level coefficients
- predictions: CSV files with the posterior predictions
- src: R functions to make programming tasks easier, not needed to reproduce the project.
- tests: testthat scripts used to unit test the functions used across the project.