This repository creates a template that you allows you to configure Qt Creator as your Arduino's IDE.
Portuguese spearks / Pessoal de lingua portuguesa: Postei uma série de videos no youtube de como configurar todo seu ambiente de desenvolvimento, confira em
Qt Creator provides a cross-platform where you can developer from Windows, Linux or Mac. Is a very advanced IDE when provide a lot of smart things to help you develop more quickly and easily. Some main features of Qt Creator:
- Rapid code navigation tools
- Syntax highlighting and code completion
- Static code checking and style hints as you type
- Support for source code refactoring
- Context sensitive help
- Code folding
- Parenthesis matching and parenthesis selection modes
With all these features and more, Qt Creator can be lightweight, and for me, is one of the best IDE's available.
This repository creates a template that you allows you to configure Qt Creator as your Arduino's IDE.
What you need to use (pre-requisites):
- PC running Linux
- Windows and Mac can use it too, but some small changes are necessary
- In the future I will provide files ready to use in all environments
- Arduino IDE 1.6.3
- Arduino-Makefile 1.3.4
- Qt Creator 3.3.1
- GTKTerm version 0.99
- Can be any other serial monitor, but I chose it because is very lightweight
Theoretically this template can support all boards that Arduino-MakeFile support, it's mean:
- Supports all official AVR-based Arduino boards
- Supports chipKIT
- Supports Teensy 3.x (via Teensyduino)
I Already tested successfully with:
- Arduino Mega 2560
- Arduino Pro
- Arduino Uno
If you have tested any other boards, please tell me about your experience!
In this repository you will find two folders:
- arduino_cpp_style
- This folder contains a C++ style Arduino template
- arduino_sketch_style
- This folder contains a Sketch style Arduino template
- (the same style used in the official Arduino IDE)
Close Qt Creator
Execute the following commands in Terminal:
cd ~/Qt5.4.1/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/
git clone
You should see something similar to this:
Cloning into 'qt-creator-arduino'...
remote: Counting objects: 30, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (27/27), done.
remote: Total 30 (delta 9), reused 18 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (30/30), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
- You may need to change the first command to match your Qt installation.
- My Qt installation was ~/Qt5.4.1/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/
- A tip is to type in ~/Qt then hit [TAB] to get the shell to auto-complete stuff for you.
Open Qt Creator
Click on: File > New File or Project Select Arduino project
And then have fun!
- Cleiton Souza ([email protected])
- Jason Jorgenson ([email protected])
I found one Qt template created by Philippe Lucidarme ( but it is based on an old version of Qt Creator / Arduino-Mk version, and it seems that Philippe no longer updates this template.