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Manage multiple Dart packages within a single repository.

pub package package publisher Dart CI Coverage Status codecov


> dart pub global activate mono_repo


> dart pub global run mono_repo

Or, once you've setup your PATH:

> mono_repo

Prints the following help message:

Manage multiple packages in one source repository.

Usage: mono_repo <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help              Print this usage information.
    --version           Prints the version of mono_repo.
    --[no-]recursive    Whether to recursively walk sub-directories looking for packages.
                        (defaults to on)
    --verbose           Show full stack trace on error. (Useful for debugging.)

Available commands:
  check       Check the state of the repository.
  dart        Runs the `dart` command with the provided arguments across all packages.
  generate    Generates the CI configuration for child packages.
  list        List all packages configured for mono_repo.
  presubmit   Run the CI presubmits locally.
  pub         Runs the `pub` command with the provided arguments across all packages.
  readme      Generate a markdown table of all packages configured for mono_repo.

Run "mono_repo help <command>" for more information about a command.


Repo level configuration

To start, you should create a mono_repo.yaml file at the root of your repo.

This controls repo wide configuration.

One option you likely want to configure is which CI providers you want to generate config for. github can be configured by adding a corresponding entry.

You probably also want to enable the self_validate option, which will add a job to ensure that your configuration is up to date.

So, an example config might look like this:

# Enabled GitHub actions -
# If you have no configuration, you can set the value to `true` or just leave it
# empty.
  # Specify the `on` key to configure triggering events.
  # See
  # The default values is
  # on:
  #   push:
  #     branches:
  #       - main
  #       - master
  #   pull_request:

  # Setting just `cron` is a shortcut to keep the defaults for `push` and
  # `pull_request` while adding a single `schedule` entry.
  # `on` and `cron` cannot both be set.
  cron: '0 0 * * 0' # “At 00:00 (UTC) on Sunday.”

  # Specify additional environment variables accessible to all jobs
    FOO: BAR

  # You can group stages into individual workflows
  # Any stages that are omitted here are put in a default workflow
  # named `dart.yml`.
    # The key here is the name of the file - .github/workflows/lint.yml
      # This populates `name` in the workflow
      name: Dart Lint CI
      # These are the stages that are populated in the workflow file
      - analyze

  # You can add custom github actions configurations to run after completion
  # of all other jobs here. This accepts normal github job config except that
  # the `needs` config is filled in for you, and you aren't allowed to pass it.
    # Example job that pings a web hook url stored in a github secret with a
    # json payload linking to the failed run.
    - name: "Notify failure"
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # By default this job will only run if all dependent jobs are successful,
      # but we want to run in the failure case for this purpose.
      if: failure()
        - run: >
            curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d \
              "{'text':'Build failed! ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${GITHUB_RUN_ID}'}" \
            CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL }}

  # You can customize stage ordering as well as make certain stages be
  # conditional here, this is supported for all CI providers. The `if`
  # condition should use the appropriate syntax for the provider it is being
  # configured for.
    - name: cron
      # Only run this stage for scheduled cron jobs
      if: github.event_name == 'schedule'

# Adds a job that runs `mono_repo generate --validate` to check that everything
# is up to date. You can specify the value as just `true` or give a `stage`
# you'd like this job to run in.
self_validate: analyze

# Use this key to merge stages across packages to create fewer jobs
- analyze

# When using `test_with_coverage`, this setting configures the service that
# results are uploaded to.
# Note: you can configure both options, but this would be unusual.
# Note: you can configure this key with no values, to just generate the files
#   locally. This may be to enable other, custom processing.
# - the default
- coveralls
# – the other option
# NOTE: `CODECOV_TOKEN` must be populated in your GitHub actions secrets
- codecov

Adding a package config

To configure a package directory to be included it must contain a mono_pkg.yaml file (along with the normal pubspec.yaml file).

You can use an empty mono_pkg.yaml file to enable the check and pub commands.

To enable generate and presubmit, you must populate mono_pkg.yaml with details on how you'd like tests to be run.

Generating .github/dependabot.yml

By adding

  dependabot: {}

To your mono_repo.yaml configuration, mono_repo will generate a .github/dependabot.yml file that updates all your packages with a default configuration.

Any further configuration can go into the map and will be merged with the updates of the packages. For example:

      - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
        directory: "/"
          interval: "monthly"

mono_pkg.yaml example

# Every entry must be associated with at least one SDK version – corresponding
# to the Dart SDK version or the Flutter framework version, depending on the
# type of package. It can be specified at the top-lever as a single value or
# an array. Alternatively, you can specify the SDK version(s) within each job.
 - dev
 # Specific `pubspec` to test the lower-bound SDK defined in pubspec.yaml
 # This is only supported for Dart packages (not Flutter).
 - pubspec

  # Register two jobs to run under the `analyze` stage.
  - analyze:
    - analyze
    - format
  - unit_test:
    - test
  # Example cron stage which will only run for scheduled jobs (here we run
  # multiple OS configs for extra validation as an example).
  # See the `mono_repo.yaml` example above for where this stage is specially
  # configured.
  - cron:
    - test:
        - linux
        - windows

Running mono_repo generate in the root directory generates two or more files: tool/ and a configuration file for each configured ci provider.

Look at these repositories for examples of mono_repo usage:

Mono_repo and Dependabot

Historically, package:mono_repo and Dependabot couldn't be used together - they both wanted to maintain your GitHub workflow file. We've adopted mono_repo so that you can now use both it and Dependabot in your repo.

When generating your workflow configuration (mono_repo generate) mono_repo will write out its current default action versions into the workflow file. If however it sees that the repo has a Dependabot configuration - has a file named .github/dependabot.yaml in the repo - mono_repo will instead parse the workflow file, read out the current action versions, and use those versions when re-generating the file. This lets mono_repo manage the overall structure of the file, while allowing Dependabot to independently move various action versions forward as necessary.