Service to search and render invocations and tests in resultstore.
Client component documentation can be viewed here
- Docker and docker-compose installed here
- Generate service account
- Enable the following permissions on the service account
Cloud Source Tools Core - Developer
Cloud Datastore User
Storage Object Viewer
- Generate a client id
- Configure .env file in ./resultstoresearch/ci following example.env
- Add eligible users to the cloudsourcetoolscore.developer role in your GCP project
Navigate to localhost
Page where users can search, filter, and view invocation information
Dropdown thats allows a user to select a tool type to filter search results by.
Enter queries to search for invocations. The search bar features an autocomplete typeahead for fields that can be filtered on.
Initiates a search for invocations based on the query in the search bar
Initiates the flaky test interface for the current query in the search bar.
Google login / logout button for authentication
Table that lists the result of an invocation search
Users can view files associated with the current invocation
Users can view the results of tests over time with different invocations.
- Grey: No test was run
- Green: Test Success
- Red: Test Failed