My personal data science box based on salt and Vagrant to easily create cloud instances or local VMs ready for doing data science.
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Python 2.7.4 environment based on Anaconda
- IPython notebook running in port 8888
- s3cmd, including conf file
And more optional:
- Luigi, including conf file for S3
- IPython.parallel cluster creation
Just run vagrant up
, the IPython notebook port (8888) is forwarded to the host.
- Install vagrant aws plugin:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
- Put your AWS credentials, keypair path and security group in the
under theconfig.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
section vagrant up --provider=aws
Vagrant box and EC2 instance are based on ubuntu 12.04 to be consistent even the local vagrant
image will have everything installed under the ubuntu user. Use vagrant ssh -- -l ubuntu
to ssh as that user.
If running on the EC2 don't need to worry about that, just vagrant ssh
All settings should be located in pillar/settings.sls
Change the salt/salt/python/requirements.txt
Fill the aws
and ipcluster
sections on pillar/settings.sls
create the datascience box ssh into it and run:
sudo salt-call state.sls ipcluster
once to startipcontroller
and the salt-mastersudo salt-cloud -p base_ec2 ipython-minion-X
: where X is unique for every instance. This will create a new instance install thesalt-minion
and connect it to thesalt-master
sudo salt 'ipython-minion-X' saltutil.sync_all
sudo salt 'ipython-minion-X' state.sls ipcluster-minion
: will bootstrap the same python environment on the minions and startipenginge
Repeat steps 2-4 for every new worker instance you need. Note that you can run step 2 a couple of times and then run steps 3 and 4 using X=*
Everyting is ready, go to the notebook and do some parallel amazing work, see IPython.parallel for more information.
Note: If you already have an instance running you can fill the values locally and run vagrant provision
or just fill the values in the instance under /srv/pillar/settings.sls