Experimental test of dart compiling different type of code bases.
For some treatments the code has to be generated. They can be generated with something like:
go run ./generators/treegen/main.go -del -gen -pubget -out ./treatments/filedeps_gen -rate 2 -depth 10 -scalar 10 -group 15
go run ./generators/treegen/main.go -del -gen -pubget -out ./treatments/libdeps_gen -lib -rate 2 -depth 10 -scalar 10 -group 15
Based on what size and what you are testing will depend on how you want to configure that generation.
To see possible configurations get help with go run ./generators/treegen/main.go -h
Configure the trial that should be run in ./experiment/main.go
Then run
go run ./experiment/main.go
You may need to add some python packages, use pip as needed.
This assumes the results are in ./results.txt
(cd analysis && python3 anova.py)
Each one may have it's own unique method for running but in general it will look like.
cd treatments/filedeps
pub get
webdev serve --no-injected-client
If a treatment times out it is possible its because the dart compiler got stuck (it does that) use the following command to see if the dart compiler is still alive and needs to be killed.
lsof -P | grep localhost | grep dart
killall dart
Also, if you want to analysis the results, you may have to manually remove any incomplete replicas from the results file prior to analysis.
The code in the treatments was designed to be extra complicated to help better test the build process. Obviously the treatment code can be greatly simplified, improved, etc. The goal is to test the Dart build speeds, not write good Dart code.