Example showing how to get and visualize data_stream, scene camera stream and eye camera stream.
- Clone or download this repo.
- Connect to your glasses.
- Change ip and port in all files, if you are not using default.
- Run:
python starter.py
If you prefer Python3
over Python2
there are no examples published by Tobii Pro
of how to connect to Tobii Glasses 2
. Therefore I made this implementation for Python3
where we use requests
instead of urllib2
. If you prefer C++
over Python
you can check out the C++ implementation.
These are the required imports for Python3:
- requests
- cv2
The C++ implementation is developed in Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10. These NuGet Packages are used:
- cpprestsdk.v.141 version v2.10.7 (for rest api calls)
- opencv.win.native version v320.1.1-vs141 (require build to be in x64 and in release)
- opencv.win.native.redist v320.1.1-vs141
Some security settings had to be changed in visual studio 2017:
Project -> Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessors -> Add Preprocessor Definitions :
Tobii Glasses 2 is a nifty device produced by Tobii Pro. The product is full of useful components and intresting functions. Such as eye tracking, gyroscope, pupil size and 3d directions. Data from Tobii Glasses 2 is received using udp sockets. From the incoming json objects data can be received and filtered by using these conditions:
# Data gathering
if (str(data).__contains__("ac")): #accelerometer
if (str(data).__contains__("pd")): #pupil-diameter
if (str(data).__contains__("gd")): #gaze-direction
if (str(data).__contains__("gp\"")): #gaze-position
if (str(data).__contains__("gp3")): #gaze-position-3d
if (str(data).__contains__("gy")): #gyro-scope
if (str(data).__contains__("left"): #left eye
if (str(data).__contains__("right"): #right eye
A great example (python2): https://github.com/ddetommaso/TobiiProGlasses2_PyCtrl
This code assume from example files in Tobii Glasses 2 API examples: https://www.tobiipro.com/product-listing/tobii-pro-glasses-2-sdk/
With the download above follows a developers documentation which helps alot!