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Proxy connections to Kafka cluster. Connect through SOCKS Proxy, HTTP Proxy or to cluster running in Kubernetes.


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The Kafka Proxy is based on idea of Cloud SQL Proxy. It allows a service to connect to Kafka brokers without having to deal with SASL/PLAIN authentication and SSL certificates.

It works by opening tcp sockets on the local machine and proxying connections to the associated Kafka brokers when the sockets are used. The host and port in Metadata and FindCoordinator responses received from the brokers are replaced by local counterparts. For discovered brokers (not configured as the boostrap servers), local listeners are started on random ports. The dynamic local listeners feature can be disabled and an additional list of external server mappings can be provided.

The Proxy can terminate TLS traffic and authenticate users using SASL/PLAIN. The credentials verification method is configurable and uses golang plugin system over RPC.

The proxies can also authenticate each other using a pluggable method which is transparent to other Kafka servers and clients. Currently, the Google ID Token for service accounts is implemented i.e. proxy client requests and sends service account JWT and proxy server receives and validates it against Google JWKS.

Kafka API calls can be restricted to prevent some operations e.g. topic deletion or produce requests.


Supported Kafka versions

Following table provides overview of supported Kafka versions (specified one and all previous Kafka versions). As not every Kafka release adds new messages/versions which are relevant to the Kafka proxy, newer Kafka versions can also work.

Kafka proxy version Kafka version
from 0.11.0
0.2.9 to 2.8.0
0.3.1 to 3.4.0
0.3.11 to 3.7.0

Install binary release

  1. Download the latest release


     curl -Ls | tar xz


     curl -Ls | tar xz
  2. Move the binary in to your PATH.

    sudo mv ./kafka-proxy /usr/local/bin/kafka-proxy


make clean build

Docker images

Docker images are available on Docker Hub.

You can launch a kafka-proxy container for trying it out with

docker run --rm -p 30001-30003:30001-30003 grepplabs/kafka-proxy:0.3.11 \
          server \
        --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:19092," \
        --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:29092," \
        --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:39092," \
        --dial-address-mapping "localhost:19092," \
        --dial-address-mapping "localhost:29092," \
        --dial-address-mapping "localhost:39092," \

Kafka-proxy will now be reachable on localhost:30001, localhost:30002 and localhost:30003, connecting to kafka brokers running in docker (network bridge gateway advertising PLAINTEXT listeners on localhost:19092, localhost:29092 and localhost:39092.

Docker images with precompiled plugins

Docker images with precompiled plugins located in /opt/kafka-proxy/bin/ are tagged with <release>-all.

You can launch a kafka-proxy container with auth-ldap plugin for trying it out with

docker run --rm -p 30001-30003:30001-30003 grepplabs/kafka-proxy:0.3.11-all \
              server \
            --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:19092," \
            --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:29092," \
            --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:39092," \
            --dial-address-mapping "localhost:19092," \
            --dial-address-mapping "localhost:29092," \
            --dial-address-mapping "localhost:39092," \
            --debug-enable \
            --auth-local-enable  \
            --auth-local-command=/opt/kafka-proxy/bin/auth-ldap  \
            --auth-local-param=--url=ldap://  \
            --auth-local-param=--start-tls=false \
            --auth-local-param=--bind-dn=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org  \
            --auth-local-param=--bind-passwd=admin  \
            --auth-local-param=--user-search-base=ou=people,dc=example,dc=org  \

Help output

Run the kafka-proxy server

  kafka-proxy server [flags]

        --auth-gateway-client-command string                   Path to authentication plugin binary
        --auth-gateway-client-enable                           Enable gateway client authentication
        --auth-gateway-client-log-level string                 Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
        --auth-gateway-client-magic uint                       Magic bytes sent in the handshake
        --auth-gateway-client-method string                    Authentication method
        --auth-gateway-client-param stringArray                Authentication plugin parameter
        --auth-gateway-client-timeout duration                 Authentication timeout (default 10s)
        --auth-gateway-server-command string                   Path to authentication plugin binary
        --auth-gateway-server-enable                           Enable proxy server authentication
        --auth-gateway-server-log-level string                 Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
        --auth-gateway-server-magic uint                       Magic bytes sent in the handshake
        --auth-gateway-server-method string                    Authentication method
        --auth-gateway-server-param stringArray                Authentication plugin parameter
        --auth-gateway-server-timeout duration                 Authentication timeout (default 10s)
        --auth-local-command string                            Path to authentication plugin binary
        --auth-local-enable                                    Enable local SASL/PLAIN authentication performed by listener - SASL handshake will not be passed to kafka brokers
        --auth-local-log-level string                          Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
        --auth-local-mechanism string                          SASL mechanism used for local authentication: PLAIN or OAUTHBEARER (default "PLAIN")
        --auth-local-param stringArray                         Authentication plugin parameter
        --auth-local-timeout duration                          Authentication timeout (default 10s)
        --bootstrap-server-mapping stringArray                 Mapping of Kafka bootstrap server address to local address (host:port,host:port(,advhost:advport))
        --debug-enable                                         Enable Debug endpoint
        --debug-listen-address string                          Debug listen address (default "")
        --default-listener-ip string                           Default listener IP (default "")
        --dial-address-mapping stringArray                     Mapping of target broker address to new one (host:port,host:port). The mapping is performed during connection establishment
        --dynamic-advertised-listener string                   Advertised address for dynamic listeners. If empty, default-listener-ip is used
        --dynamic-listeners-disable                            Disable dynamic listeners.
        --dynamic-sequential-min-port int                      If set to non-zero, makes the dynamic listener use a sequential port starting with this value rather than a random port every time.
        --external-server-mapping stringArray                  Mapping of Kafka server address to external address (host:port,host:port). A listener for the external address is not started
        --forbidden-api-keys ints                              Forbidden Kafka request types. The restriction should prevent some Kafka operations e.g. 20 - DeleteTopics
        --forward-proxy string                                 URL of the forward proxy. Supported schemas are socks5 and http
        --gssapi-auth-type string                              GSSAPI auth type: KEYTAB or USER (default "KEYTAB")
        --gssapi-disable-pa-fx-fast                            Used to configure the client to not use PA_FX_FAST.
        --gssapi-keytab string                                 krb5.keytab file location
        --gssapi-krb5 string                                   krb5.conf file path, default: /etc/krb5.conf (default "/etc/krb5.conf")
        --gssapi-password string                               Password for auth type USER
        --gssapi-realm string                                  Realm
        --gssapi-servicename string                            ServiceName (default "kafka")
        --gssapi-spn-host-mapping stringToString               Mapping of Kafka servers address to SPN hosts (default [])
        --gssapi-username string                               Username (default "kafka")
    -h, --help                                                 help for server
        --http-disable                                         Disable HTTP endpoints
        --http-health-path string                              Path on which to health endpoint (default "/health")
        --http-listen-address string                           Address that kafka-proxy is listening on (default "")
        --http-metrics-path string                             Path on which to expose metrics (default "/metrics")
        --kafka-client-id string                               An optional identifier to track the source of requests (default "kafka-proxy")
        --kafka-connection-read-buffer-size int                Size of the operating system's receive buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
        --kafka-connection-write-buffer-size int               Sets the size of the operating system's transmit buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
        --kafka-dial-timeout duration                          How long to wait for the initial connection (default 15s)
        --kafka-keep-alive duration                            Keep alive period for an active network connection. If zero, keep-alives are disabled (default 1m0s)
        --kafka-max-open-requests int                          Maximal number of open requests pro tcp connection before sending on it blocks (default 256)
        --kafka-read-timeout duration                          How long to wait for a response (default 30s)
        --kafka-write-timeout duration                         How long to wait for a transmit (default 30s)
        --log-format string                                    Log format text or json (default "text")
        --log-level string                                     Log level debug, info, warning, error, fatal or panic (default "info")
        --log-level-fieldname string                           Log level fieldname for json format (default "@level")
        --log-msg-fieldname string                             Message fieldname for json format (default "@message")
        --log-time-fieldname string                            Time fieldname for json format (default "@timestamp")
        --producer-acks-0-disabled                             Assume fire-and-forget is never sent by the producer. Enabling this parameter will increase performance
        --proxy-listener-ca-chain-cert-file string             PEM encoded CA's certificate file. If provided, client certificate is required and verified
        --proxy-listener-cert-file string                      PEM encoded file with server certificate
        --proxy-listener-cipher-suites strings                 List of supported cipher suites
        --proxy-listener-curve-preferences strings             List of curve preferences
        --proxy-listener-keep-alive duration                   Keep alive period for an active network connection. If zero, keep-alives are disabled (default 1m0s)
        --proxy-listener-key-file string                       PEM encoded file with private key for the server certificate
        --proxy-listener-key-password string                   Password to decrypt rsa private key
        --proxy-listener-read-buffer-size int                  Size of the operating system's receive buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
        --proxy-listener-tls-enable                            Whether or not to use TLS listener
        --proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject strings   Required client certificate subject common name; example; s:/CN=[value]/C=[state]/C=[DE,PL] or r:/CN=[^val.{2}$]/C=[state]/C=[DE,PL]; check manual for more details
        --proxy-listener-write-buffer-size int                 Sets the size of the operating system's transmit buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
        --proxy-request-buffer-size int                        Request buffer size pro tcp connection (default 4096)
        --proxy-response-buffer-size int                       Response buffer size pro tcp connection (default 4096)
        --sasl-aws-profile string                              AWS profile
        --sasl-aws-region string                               Region for AWS IAM Auth
        --sasl-enable                                          Connect using SASL
        --sasl-jaas-config-file string                         Location of JAAS config file with SASL username and password
        --sasl-method string                                   SASL method to use (PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, GSSAPI, AWS_MSK_IAM (default "PLAIN")
        --sasl-password string                                 SASL user password
        --sasl-plugin-command string                           Path to authentication plugin binary
        --sasl-plugin-enable                                   Use plugin for SASL authentication
        --sasl-plugin-log-level string                         Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
        --sasl-plugin-mechanism string                         SASL mechanism used for proxy authentication: PLAIN or OAUTHBEARER (default "OAUTHBEARER")
        --sasl-plugin-param stringArray                        Authentication plugin parameter
        --sasl-plugin-timeout duration                         Authentication timeout (default 10s)
        --sasl-username string                                 SASL user name
        --tls-ca-chain-cert-file string                        PEM encoded CA's certificate file
        --tls-client-cert-file string                          PEM encoded file with client certificate
        --tls-client-key-file string                           PEM encoded file with private key for the client certificate
        --tls-client-key-password string                       Password to decrypt rsa private key
        --tls-enable                                           Whether or not to use TLS when connecting to the broker
        --tls-insecure-skip-verify                             It controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name
        --tls-same-client-cert-enable                          Use only when mutual TLS is enabled on proxy and broker. It controls whether a proxy validates if proxy client certificate exactly matches brokers client cert (tls-client-cert-file)

Usage example

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping ","

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping ",," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping ",," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping ",," \

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --external-server-mapping "," \
                   --external-server-mapping "," \
                   --forbidden-api-keys 20

export BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_MAPPING=",," && kafka-proxy server

Restrict proxy listener cipher suites

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:19092,,localhost:30001" \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:29092,,localhost:30002" \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "localhost:39092,,localhost:30003" \
                   --proxy-listener-cert-file "tls/ca-cert.pem" \
                   --proxy-listener-key-file "tls/ca-key.pem"  \
                   --proxy-listener-tls-enable \
                   --proxy-listener-cipher-suites TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

SASL authentication initiated by proxy example

SASL authentication is initiated by the proxy. SASL authentication is disabled on the clients and enabled on the Kafka brokers.

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --tls-enable --tls-insecure-skip-verify \
                   --sasl-enable --sasl-username myuser --sasl-password mysecret

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --sasl-enable \
                   --sasl-username "alice" \
                   --sasl-password "alice-secret" \
                   --sasl-method "SCRAM-SHA-512" \
                   --log-level debug

make clean build plugin.unsecured-jwt-provider && build/kafka-proxy server \
                         --sasl-enable \
                         --sasl-plugin-enable \
                         --sasl-plugin-mechanism "OAUTHBEARER" \
                         --sasl-plugin-command build/unsecured-jwt-provider \
                         --sasl-plugin-param "--claim-sub=alice" \
                         --bootstrap-server-mapping ","

GSSAPI / Kerberos authentication

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --sasl-enable \
                   --sasl-method "GSSAPI" \
                   --gssapi-servicename kafka \
                   --gssapi-username kafkaclient1 \
                   --gssapi-realm EXAMPLE.COM \
                   --gssapi-krb5 /etc/krb5.conf \
                   --gssapi-keytab /etc/security/keytabs/kafka.keytab


kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --tls-enable --tls-insecure-skip-verify \
                   --sasl-enable \
                   --sasl-method "AWS_MSK_IAM" \
                   --sasl-aws-region "eu-central-1" \
                   --log-level debug

Proxy authentication example

SASL authentication is performed by the proxy. SASL authentication is enabled on the clients and disabled on the Kafka brokers.

make clean build plugin.auth-user && build/kafka-proxy server --proxy-listener-key-file "server-key.pem"  \
                         --proxy-listener-cert-file "server-cert.pem" \
                         --proxy-listener-ca-chain-cert-file "ca.pem" \
                         --proxy-listener-tls-enable \
                         --auth-local-enable \
                         --auth-local-command build/auth-user \
                         --auth-local-param "--username=my-test-user" \
                         --auth-local-param "--password=my-test-password"

make clean build plugin.auth-ldap && build/kafka-proxy server \
                         --auth-local-enable \
                         --auth-local-command build/auth-ldap \
                         --auth-local-param "--url=ldaps://" \
                         --auth-local-param "--user-dn=cn=users,dc=exemple,dc=com" \
                         --auth-local-param "--user-attr=uid" \
                         --bootstrap-server-mapping ","

make clean build plugin.unsecured-jwt-info && build/kafka-proxy server \
                         --auth-local-enable \
                         --auth-local-command build/unsecured-jwt-info \
                         --auth-local-mechanism "OAUTHBEARER" \
                         --auth-local-param "--claim-sub=alice" \
                         --auth-local-param "--claim-sub=bob" \
                         --bootstrap-server-mapping ","

Same client certificate check enabled example

Validate that client certificate used by proxy client is exactly the same as client certificate in authentication initiated by proxy

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
   --tls-enable \
   --tls-client-cert-file client.crt \
   --tls-client-key-file client.pem \
   --tls-client-key-password changeit \
   --proxy-listener-tls-enable \
   --proxy-listener-key-file server.pem \
   --proxy-listener-cert-file server.crt \
   --proxy-listener-key-password changeit \
   --proxy-listener-ca-chain-cert-file ca.crt \

Kafka Gateway example

Authentication between Kafka Proxy Client and Kafka Proxy Server with Google-ID (service account JWT)

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --dynamic-listeners-disable \
                   --http-disable \
                   --proxy-listener-tls-enable \
                   --proxy-listener-cert-file=/var/run/secret/server.cert.pem \
                   --proxy-listener-key-file=/var/run/secret/server.key.pem \
                   --auth-gateway-server-enable \
                   --auth-gateway-server-method google-id \
                   --auth-gateway-server-magic 3285573610483682037 \
                   --auth-gateway-server-command google-id-info \
                   --auth-gateway-server-param  "--timeout=10" \
                   --auth-gateway-server-param  "--audience=tcp://" \
                   --auth-gateway-server-param  "--email-regex=^[email protected]$"

kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                   --dynamic-listeners-disable \
                   --http-disable \
                   --tls-enable \
                   --tls-ca-chain-cert-file /var/run/secret/client/ca-chain.cert.pem \
                   --auth-gateway-client-enable \
                   --auth-gateway-client-method google-id \
                   --auth-gateway-client-magic 3285573610483682037 \
                   --auth-gateway-client-command google-id-provider \
                   --auth-gateway-client-param  "--credentials-file=/var/run/secret/client/service-account.json" \
                   --auth-gateway-client-param  "--target-audience=tcp://" \
                   --auth-gateway-client-param  "--timeout=10"

Connect to Kafka through SOCKS5 Proxy example

Connect through test SOCKS5 Proxy server

    kafka-proxy tools socks5-proxy --addr localhost:1080

    kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping ","
                       --forward-proxy socks5://localhost:1080
    kafka-proxy tools socks5-proxy --addr localhost:1080 --username my-proxy-user --password my-proxy-password

    kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --forward-proxy socks5://my-proxy-user:my-proxy-password@localhost:1080

Connect to Kafka through HTTP Proxy example

Connect through test HTTP Proxy server using CONNECT method

    kafka-proxy tools http-proxy --addr localhost:3128

    kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping ","
                       --forward-proxy http://localhost:3128
    kafka-proxy tools http-proxy --addr localhost:3128 --username my-proxy-user --password my-proxy-password

    kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
                       --forward-proxy http://my-proxy-user:my-proxy-password@localhost:3128

Validating client certificate DN

Sometimes it might be necessary to not only validate that the client certificate is valid but also that the client certificate DN is issued for a concrete use case. This can be achieved using the following set of arguments:

--proxy-listener-tls-client-cert-validate-subject bool                        Whether to validate client certificate subject (default false)
--proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-common-name string               Required client certificate subject common name
--proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-country stringArray              Required client certificate subject country
--proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-province stringArray             Required client certificate subject province
--proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-locality stringArray             Required client certificate subject locality
--proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-organization stringArray         Required client certificate subject organization
--proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-organizational-unit stringArray  Required client certificate subject organizational unit

By setting --proxy-listener-tls-client-cert-validate-subject true, Kafka Proxy will inspect client certificate DN fields for the expected values set with the --proxy-listener-tls-required-client-* arguments. The matches are always exact and used together, fo all non empty values. For example, to allow a valid certificate for country=DE and organization=grepplabs, configure Kafka Proxy in the following way:

    kafka-proxy server \
      --proxy-listener-tls-client-cert-validate-subject true \
      --proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-country DE \
      --proxy-listener-tls-required-client-subject-organization grepplabs

Kubernetes sidecar container example

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   name: myapp
  replicas: 1
      app: myapp
        app: myapp
      annotations: 'true'
        - name: kafka-proxy
          image: grepplabs/kafka-proxy:latest
            - 'server'
            - '--log-format=json'
            - '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-0:9093,'
            - '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-1:9093,'
            - '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-2:9093,'
            - '--tls-enable'
            - '--tls-ca-chain-cert-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-ca-chain-certificate/ca-chain.cert.pem'
            - '--tls-client-cert-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-certificate/client.cert.pem'
            - '--tls-client-key-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-key/client.key.pem'
            - '--tls-client-key-password=$(TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD)'
            - '--sasl-enable'
            - '--sasl-jaas-config-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-jaas/jaas.config'
          - name: TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD
                name: tls-client-key-password
                key: password
          - name: "sasl-jaas-config-file"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-jaas"
          - name: "tls-ca-chain-certificate"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-ca-chain-certificate"
          - name: "tls-client-cert-file"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-certificate"
          - name: "tls-client-key-file"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-key"
          - name: metrics
            containerPort: 9080
              path: /health
              port: 9080
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            periodSeconds: 3
              path: /health
              port: 9080
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            periodSeconds: 10
            timeoutSeconds: 5
            successThreshold: 2
            failureThreshold: 5
        - name: myapp
          image: myapp:latest
          - containerPort: 8080
            name: metrics
          - name: BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS
            value: ",,"
      - name: sasl-jaas-config-file
          secretName: sasl-jaas-config-file
      - name: tls-ca-chain-certificate
          secretName: tls-ca-chain-certificate
      - name: tls-client-cert-file
          secretName: tls-client-cert-file
      - name: tls-client-key-file
          secretName: tls-client-key-file

Connect to Kafka running in Kubernetes example (kafka proxy runs in cluster)

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
   name: kafka-proxy
      app: kafka-proxy
  replicas: 1
  serviceName: kafka-proxy
        app: kafka-proxy
        - name: kafka-proxy
          image: grepplabs/kafka-proxy:latest
            - 'server'
            - '--log-format=json'
            - '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-0:9093,'
            - '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-1:9093,'
            - '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-2:9093,'
            - '--tls-enable'
            - '--tls-ca-chain-cert-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-ca-chain-certificate/ca-chain.cert.pem'
            - '--tls-client-cert-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-certificate/client.cert.pem'
            - '--tls-client-key-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-key/client.key.pem'
            - '--tls-client-key-password=$(TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD)'
            - '--sasl-enable'
            - '--sasl-jaas-config-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-jaas/jaas.config'
            - '--proxy-request-buffer-size=32768'
            - '--proxy-response-buffer-size=32768'
            - '--proxy-listener-read-buffer-size=32768'
            - '--proxy-listener-write-buffer-size=131072'
            - '--kafka-connection-read-buffer-size=131072'
            - '--kafka-connection-write-buffer-size=32768'
          - name: TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD
                name: tls-client-key-password
                key: password
          - name: "sasl-jaas-config-file"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-jaas"
          - name: "tls-ca-chain-certificate"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-ca-chain-certificate"
          - name: "tls-client-cert-file"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-certificate"
          - name: "tls-client-key-file"
            mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-key"
          - name: metrics
            containerPort: 9080
          - name: kafka-0
            containerPort: 32400
          - name: kafka-1
            containerPort: 32401
          - name: kafka-2
            containerPort: 32402
              path: /health
              port: 9080
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            periodSeconds: 3
              path: /health
              port: 9080
            initialDelaySeconds: 5
            periodSeconds: 10
            timeoutSeconds: 5
            successThreshold: 2
            failureThreshold: 5
              memory: 128Mi
              cpu: 1000m
      restartPolicy: Always
      - name: sasl-jaas-config-file
          secretName: sasl-jaas-config-file
      - name: tls-ca-chain-certificate
          secretName: tls-ca-chain-certificate
      - name: tls-client-cert-file
          secretName: tls-client-cert-file
      - name: tls-client-key-file
          secretName: tls-client-key-file
kubectl port-forward kafka-proxy-0 32400:32400 32401:32401 32402:32402

Use localhost:32400, localhost:32401 and localhost:32402 as bootstrap servers

Connect to Kafka running in Kubernetes example (kafka proxy runs locally)

one node Kafka cluster
kubectl port-forward -n kafka kafka-0 9092:9092
kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," --dial-address-mapping "kafka-0.kafka-headless.kafka:9092,"

Use localhost:19092 as bootstrap servers

3 nodes Kafka cluster

strimzi 0.13.0 CRD

kind: Kafka
  name: test-cluster
  namespace: kafka
    version: 2.3.0
    replicas: 3
      plain: {}
      tls: {}
      offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
      num.partitions: 60
      default.replication.factor: 3
      type: jbod
        - id: 0
          type: persistent-claim
          size: 20Gi
          deleteClaim: true
    replicas: 3
      type: persistent-claim
      size: 5Gi
      deleteClaim: true
    topicOperator: {}
    userOperator: {}
kubectl port-forward -n kafka test-cluster-kafka-0 9092:9092
kubectl port-forward -n kafka test-cluster-kafka-1 9093:9092
kubectl port-forward -n kafka test-cluster-kafka-2 9094:9092

kafka-proxy server --log-level debug \
  --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
  --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
  --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
  --dial-address-mapping "test-cluster-kafka-0.test-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092," \
  --dial-address-mapping "test-cluster-kafka-1.test-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092," \
  --dial-address-mapping "test-cluster-kafka-2.test-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092,"

Use localhost:19092 as bootstrap servers

Embedded third-party source code