WhisperOutLoud is the twitter's closed account Best Friend! It's a twitter bot that is intended to help the hidden people of twitter(closed account used) contact the outside world (open account user world). The bot works like a proxy. You tag him in the tweet, and then he copy's your tweet in his account, in response to your own tweet.
Follow the bot, then wait it to follow you back. After that you need to use the tweet's in the following pattern.
@bot_account #whisperoutloud The text body that will be written in the bot's tweet
Then the bot will tweet all the text after the hashtag in his account in response to your tweet.
The first think you need to do is to get a twitter bot credential aka developer account, and place in the respectives places in the credentials file. [Look here(https://developer.twitter.com/en/application/use-case) After that you need to install the requirements(tweepy)
pip install -r requirements.txt
After that you can simply run
python bot.py