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Queerlit GUI

Search interface for the Queerlit database and the QLIT thesaurus.

  1. Running and building the code
  2. Code
  3. Environment
  4. Visual Studio Code settings
  5. Releases

Running and building the code

Serve locally with hot module replacement

This is suitable while developing, as the site will automatically be updated upon code changes.

  1. Install Node.js 16 and Yarn 3
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn dev

Why Node 16?

Node 16 is an old version, but it's currently used on GRIDH servers and cannot be upgraded there because the OS doesn't support newer versions.Using the same version when developing will make sure the code can be properly built on the servers when deploying.

Build optimized code for deployment

  1. Install Node.js and Yarn
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn build

Resulting files in the dist folder can be placed on a web server, or served locally with npx http-server dist or similar.

Build and serve with Docker

This will build the optimized code as above, and then serve it locally. You need to install Docker, but not Node.js or Yarn.

Make sure to edit .env.local (see Environment) before building, if needed.

  1. Install Docker
  2. docker build -t queerlit-gui .
  3. docker run -p 8090:80 queerlit-gui
  4. Visit site at http://localhost:8090/


The frontend is written in TypeScript, using the Vue 3 framework with Vite as a build toolchain. Tailwind is used for styling.

HTTP requests are made with Axios to Libris XL (libris.service.ts), the Queerlit thesaurus backend (terms.service.ts) and Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh.service.ts).

While developing, you may be helped by running yarn typecheck, yarn lint and yarn format. See their definitions in package.json.


A few settings can be configured by setting environment variables. See Vite docs.

  • Set VITE_XLAPI_QA to 1 to use the test environment of Libris XL,
  • Set VITE_MATOMO_URL and VITE_MATOMO_ID to enable stats reporting to a Matomo backend
  • Set VITE_QLIT_BASE to override the standard thesaurus backend URL (including trailing slash), e.g. if you are developing that too and want to test the frontend against it

Visual Studio Code settings

If you are using Visual Studio Code to edit the code, these settings should enable automatic linting and formatting.

  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit"
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "[vue]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"


Notable changes are logged in Releasing a new version means:

  1. Making sure changes are logged under a new version number (bump the major, minor or patch number) in in the dev branch
  2. Update version number in package.json
  3. Merging dev into main without fast-forwarding
  4. Tagging the merge commit with the version number in the form vX.X.X
  5. Pushing the branches and the tag: git push; git push --tags