Lazybones project for Dolphin Platform (GitHub Project) templates.
- dolphin-platform-spring-boot
Jumpstart template for a Dolphin Platform project with Spring Boot.
To actually use the template you need to have lazybones installed. The easiest way to get it is via SDKMAN. So first, let’s install that:
$ curl -s | bash
(Windows users: look for the Powershell version)
Then, we can use it to install gradle and lazybones:
$ sdk install lazybones $ sdk install gradle
Next register the dolphin-platform-lazybones-templates repository with Lazybones' config file. Edit $USER_HOME/.lazybones/config.groovy
bintrayRepositories = [ "canoo/dolphin-platform-lazybones-templates", "pledbrook/lazybones-templates" ]
If everything is fine, issuing the command
$ lazybones list
should list the Dolphin Platform template:
Available templates in canoo/dolphin-platform-lazybones-templates dolphin-platform-spring-boot
Now, we can use it to create a new Dolphin Platform project:
$ lazybones create dolphin-platform-spring-boot MyProject
To get an idea on how to proceed from here, have a look at the template README of the generated project.