Production ready boilerplate for your new SaaS App.
We are using latest version of Meteor.js with MongoDB, Redis, Bull Mq, React, Tailwind and FlowBite UI. There are small differences on our approach to Meteor.js. However, learning Meteor.js from its own guide will be enough to contribute.
Meteor.js is a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications. If you are new to Meteor.js, you will be amazed by its capabilities and ease of use.
Adding only one line of code can scale your application and you can see 200+ concurrent users on your app without any problem. The metal power that you will need for it is 2 CPU and 1 GB RAM. You can see the performance of the app on the demo link.
It provides a seamless development experience with the following benefits:
Meteor.js allows for real-time data updates, making it ideal for applications that require live data synchronization.
It offers an integrated solution with a single language (JavaScript) for both client and server-side code, simplifying development and maintenance.
Meteor.js has a rich ecosystem of packages and libraries, including support for MongoDB, making it easy to extend and enhance your application.
With features like hot code push and built-in support for popular front-end frameworks like React, Meteor.js enables rapid development and iteration.
Meteor.js can be scaled efficiently with the help of technologies like Redis and Bull Mq, ensuring your application can handle increased load and traffic. In addition to this, Meteor.js provides performance monitoring tools to help you optimize your application.
A strong community and extensive documentation provide ample support and resources for developers working with Meteor.js.
Fireball is a production-ready boilerplate for your new SaaS App. It is built on top of Meteor.js and includes all the necessary features and tools to help you get started quickly.
Burn brighter, build faster with Fireball.