Server for Nurse Messaging System based in MQTT
This server is part of a system that includes a mobile messaging application, a MQTT broker and a administration web page.
The system uses a MySQL Relational database for storing patients and users information, event logs, and beds information. The database diagrams is:
The system needs to precharge a demo database, after clonning the repository extract the demo-database file in the directory "./db".
The demo-database file can be download from:
cd db
sudo tar xvfj <filepath>
In order to run the application, after the database is extracted, the user must create a environment file "./.env" with the following content:
#secret pass must be correlated with the front page
JWT_SECRET = 'holamundo';
#token expiration time
##setting por for using websockets(ip and port must
##be the same in the mobile clients and the front page)
TZ = America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
As the system uses calendar events, the timezone must be set to America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires.
After all these steps, run:
docker-compose up
or (if you want to run it on the background):
docker-compose up -d
In order to stop the container execution:
docker-compose down
The test provided is a partial test, some features are not tested. The system must have installed postman, newman and newman-reporter-htmlextra:
snap install postman
npm i -g newman
npm i -g newman-reporter-htmlextra
With the application running in background or in another window, open a new window and in the directory ServerNurse run:
cd Testing
cd postman-collections
newman run ./logueo_usuario.postman_collection.json −r cli,htmlextra
The report will be displayed in the console and the html stored in "./Testing/postman-collections/newman".
There are other tests inside the directory "Testing/postman-collections".
The system publishes information of the beds status in a topic "/Beds/status" every 1:30 seconds and the user status in "/User/status" every 1 seconds (see file "./src/backend/mqtt.js"). It also interacts with the administration page , with the mobile application and the bed caller
There are two kinds of clients for this applications:
- HTTP clients are served by the express submodule and its routes. The subsystem endpoints are stored in the directory "./src/backend/routes"
- MQTT clients can interact with the system with a specified protocol. The subsystem modules are stored in the directory "./src/backend/mqtt"
GET methods:
"localhost:8000/api/beds/" : returns a list of all the beds avaiable in the system in a Json format:
[{"bedId":1,"roomId":1,"callerId":1,"floorId":0},{"bedId":2,"roomId":1,"callerId":2,"floorId":0},{"bedId":3,"roomId":1,"callerId":1,"floorId":0 }]
"localhost:8000/api/beds/:id" : returns the information of a bed a Json format:
PUT methods:
In order to edit a bed information
- "localhost:8000/api/beds/:id" : needs the body to have the new information in a Json format. The bedId is passed as parameter. Example of body:
POST method:
Adding a new bed. the bedId is created by the system in a incremental way.
- "localhost:8000/api/beds/" : needs the body to have information in a Json format. The bedId is passed as parameter. Example of body:
DELETE method:
- "localhost:8000/api/beds/:id": needs bedId as parameter. Returns the sql result or the error.
GET methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/user/": returns all the users registered in the system in JSON format.
- "localhost:8000/api/user/:id": returns the user's information registered in the system in JSON format. Example:
POST methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/user/": used for adding a new user to the system, needs users information in the body parameter.
Body example:
{"username":"peter", "firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "occupation":"medico", "state":"1", "password":"123456"}
PUT methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/user/:id": used for editing a user information: needs information passed by the body parameter in JSON format.
{ "username":"peter", "firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "occupation":"medico", "state":"1", "password":"123456"}
DELETE method:
- "localhost:8000/api/user/:id": used for removing a user information from the database.
POST methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/authentication/": this method ask the server for a jwt-token in order to access the endpoints of the system. The body parameter must have:
[{ "username":"peter",
GET methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/authentication/logout/": this method logout the user(not used right now... used with cookies in previous versions).
This table contains all the nurse spec that can be assigned to one patient. A nurse can have more than one, but a patient only one. It is used to filter the beds that can attend a nurse.
GET methods:
"localhost:8000/api/specTable/all": this method returns all information in the table of treatments in JSON format. Example:
[{"id":1,"Name":"Oncología"}, {"id":2,"Name":"Cardiología"}, {"id":3,"Name":"Podología"}, {"id":4,"Name":"Odontología"}, {"id":5,"Name":"Vacunación"}, {"id":6,"Name":"General"}] -
"localhost:8000/api/specTable/:id": this method returns the name of a single spec:
POST methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/specTable/": this method is used to add a new treatment/spec to the table. The body must have:
[{Spec: "Enfermeria de salud mental"}]
DELETE methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/specTable/:id": this method delete a single specification.
Based in previous table, one can assign multiple specializations to a nurse by using this table. The methods are:
GET methods:
"localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/": this method is used to return the specialization of the entire group of nurses.
{"nurseSpecId":3,"userId":9,"specId":1}] -
"localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/:id": this method is used to retrieve all the specialization of a single user. the id parameter is the userId. An example of the response body is:
POST methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/": this method is used to create a new specialization for a nurse. The body format has the form:
[{ specId: 1, userId:}]
where the specId is specialization id from previous table, and the userId is the identification of user.
DELETE methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/:id": this method is used to delete a row in the table(removing a nurse specialization). The id parameter is the row index.
GET methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/patient/": returns all the patients registered in the system in JSON format.
- "localhost:8000/api/patient/:id": returns the user's information registered in the system in JSON format. Example:
POST methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/patient/": used for adding a new pacient to the system, needs the patient information in the body of the message.
Body example:
{"patientId":2, "firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "bedId":"3", "notesTableId":"1", "userTableId":"1"} PUT methods: - "localhost:8000/api/patient/:id": used for editing a patient information: needs information passed by the body parameter in JSON format.
[{"firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "bedId":"3", "notesTableId":"1", "userTableId":"1"}]
DELETE method:
- "localhost:8000/api/patient/:id": used for removing a user information from the database.
GET methods:
"localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/all": returns the pacient-treatment table in JSON Format:
[{"pacientSpecId":1,"patientId":1,"specId":1,"id":1,"Name":"Oncología"},{"pacientSpecId":2,"patientId":2,"specId":2,"id":2,"Name":"Cardiología"}] -
"localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/:id": returns the pacient-treatment row in JSON Format:
[{"pacientSpecId":1,"patientId":1,"specId":1,"id":1,"Name":"Oncología"}] -
"localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/bed/:id": returns the specialization Id in JSON Format using the bedId as parameter:
Special note: this version of software only supports one treatment for each pacient
POST method:
- "localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/": generate a new row in the table.
GET methods:
- "localhost:8000/api/messages/": returns the last 100 messages saved in the database in JSON format.
Example of return:
[{"messageId":1,"userIdLastName":"1","userIdSender":1,"patientId":"1","content":"Se levanto bien","dateTime":"2022-05-01T23:36:03.000Z","audiolink":null,"userTableId":1}] - "localhost:8000/api/messages/info": returns the last 100 messages saved in the database in JSON format with information of the sender.
Example of return:
[{"messageId":1,"firstname":"Jose","lastname":"laurm","patientId":"1","content":"Se levanto bien"}]
This work is based in by Agustin Bassi ,Ernesto Gigliotti and Brian Ducca