HD-WG is a API that allows to generate the addresses derive from an xpub, since a url. each call increases a counter and generates a new address.
- register one user and save token
- register one xpub and label
- call url api
- Magic
Requests! [URL_API] =
var path = "create_user/";
let obj = {
username : 'username',
password : 'password',
email : 'email',
hash : '7afa0103f11f88526c4a10f4049e2f89'
- remember save your token
var path = "authenticate/";
let obj = {
username : 'username',
password : 'password'
var path = "add_data/";
let obj = {
label : 'label',
network : 'main||testnet',
currency : 'btc',
x_ : 'xpub||tpub'
"message":"datos se registraron con exito"
var path = "get_data/";
"email":"[email protected]",
- the idx is the index that leads in the generated wallets
- does not need authentication only the user's token , currency and label
"success": true,
"data": {
"address": "13gbpLjNJXvZkCMoKmiVxH2XCPoPjgrxum",
"idx": 0
Activos digitales