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gxchain123 edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 5 revisions

API Usage

use wscat call

The wallet (cli_wallet) requires a running full node to connect to. Here is an example using an HTTP client such as curl for API's


$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_account", "params": ["1.2.0"], "id": 2}'




$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_block", "params": ["1734131"], "id": 3}'




# unlock wallet first
$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "unlock", "params": ["my_password"], "id": 1}'


$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_account_history_by_operations", "params": ["1.2.17", [0,1], 1, 5], "id": 2}'

{"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"total_without_operations":5,"details":[{"memo":"第1笔钱","description":"Transfer 500000 GXC from nathan to init0 -- Memo: 第1笔钱   (Fee: 1.89843 GXC)","op":{"id":"1.11.4","op":[0,{"fee":{"amount":189843,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"from":"1.2.17","to":"1.2.6","amount":{"amount":"50000000000","asset_id":"1.3.0"},"memo":{"from":"GXC6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","to":"GXC6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","nonce":"18376185717943059995","message":"99eaca65bd6deb3148a52b5b4587b303"},"extensions":[]}],"result":[0,{}],"block_num":42,"trx_in_block":1,"op_in_trx":0,"virtual_op":49},"transaction_id":"2bcdb1e2bf48d2f31a769b5e0b70842df9dbb384"},{"memo":"第1笔钱","description":"Transfer 1000000 GXC from nathan to test456 -- Memo: 第1笔钱   (Fee: 1.89843 GXC)","op":{"id":"1.11.3","op":[0,{"fee":{"amount":189843,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"from":"1.2.17","to":"1.2.18","amount":{"amount":"100000000000","asset_id":"1.3.0"},"memo":{"from":"GXC6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","to":"GXC6ikt5hsnX8bMGAmJnKmcJ8Cha952GBHnQeyCDhP57yJipvbLyQ","nonce":"7279316236102149689","message":"76ca6d7119b996959cd83b7ea4eb7d29"},"extensions":[]}],"result":[0,{}],"block_num":42,"trx_in_block":0,"op_in_trx":0,"virtual_op":48},"transaction_id":"83ec572e88999ca8f183cd4e8e54726822f640f1"}]}}

$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_account_history_by_operations", "params": ["1.2.17", [0,1], 6, 5], "id": 2}'

Wallet API Calls

1. set_password

Sets a new password on the wallet. The wallet must be either ‘new’ or ‘unlocked’ to execute this command.

usage: set_password my_new_password
parameters :
parameters explanations
new_password a new password on the wallet
unlocked >>> set_password my_new_password
2. unlock

Unlocks the wallet. The wallet remain unlocked until the lock is called or the program exits.

usage: unlock my_password
parameters explanations
my_password the password previously set with set_password
locked >>> unlock my_password

unlocked >>>
3. import_key

Imports the private key for an existing account. The private key must match either an owner key or an active key for the named account.

usage: import_key account_name_or_id wif_private_key true
parameters explanations
account_name_or_id the account owning the key
wif_private_key the private key in WIF format
true default true
4. dump_private_keys

Dumps all private keys owned by the wallet. The keys are printed in WIF format. You can import these keys into another wallet using import_key()

usage: dump_private_keys
5. get_account

Returns information about the given account.

usage: get_account account_name_or_id
parameters: account_name_or_id
parameters explanations
account_name_or_id the name or id of the account to provide information about
6. list_account_balances

List the balances of an account. Each account can have multiple balances, one for each type of asset owned by that account. The returned list will only contain assets for which the account has a nonzero balance

usage: list_accounts_balances account_name_or_id
parameters: account_name_or_id
parameters explanations
account_name_or_id the name or id of the account whose balances you want
7. get_account_history

Returns the most recent operations on the named account. This returns a list of operation history objects, which describe activity on the account.

usage: get_account_history account_name_or_id limit_num
parameters:account_name_or_id, limit_num
parameters explanations
account_name_or_id the name or id of the account
limit_num the number of entries to return (starting from the most recent)
8. get_account_history_by_operations

Returns the most recent operations on the named account. txID will be included in returned transactions.

usage: get_account_history_by_operations account_name_or_id [0,1,2] start limit_num
parameters:account_name_or_id [operation ids] start limit_num
parameters explanations
account_name_or_id the name or id of the account
[operations] operation ids, for example, [0] stands for transfer operation
start start sequnence num, 1 stands for the earliest operation
limit_num the number of entries to return(starting from start)
9. transfer

Transfer an amount from one account to another.

usage: transfer gxb1 gxb2 100 GXS "transfer memo" true
parameters:from_account to_account amount GXS "memo" BROADCAST
parameters explanations
from_account the name or id of the account sending the funds
to_account the name or id of the account receiving the funds
amount the amount to send
GXS the symbol or id of the asset to send, GXS stands for GxShares
memo a memo to attach to the transaction
true true to broadcast the transaction on the network
10. transfer2

This method works just like transfer, except it always broadcasts and returns the transaction ID along with the signed transaction.

usage: transfer2 gxb1 gxb2 100 GXS "transfer memo" true
parameters:from_account to_account amount GXS "memo" BROADCAST
parameters explanations
from_account the name or id of the account sending the funds
to_account the name or id of the account receiving the funds
amount the amount to send
GXS the symbol or id of the asset to send, GXS stands for GxShares
memo a memo to attach to the transaction
true true to broadcast the transaction on the network
11. get_block

Retrieve a full, signed block.

usage: get_block block_num
parameters explanations
block_num Height of the block to be returned
12. info

Returns info such as client version, git version of graphene/fc, version of boost, openssl.

usage: info
13. help

Returns a list of all commands supported by the wallet API.

usage: help
14. gethelp

Returns detailed help on a single API command.

usage: gethelp command
parameters explanations
command the name of the API command you want help with
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