[NeurIPS 2023] 3D Copy-Paste: Physically Plausible Object Insertion for Monocular 3D Detection
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Overview: the following steps conduct 3D Copy Paste by inserting Objaverse objects into SUN RGB-D dataset. The insertion and rendering use Blender. Then train an ImvoxelNet model for monocular 3D object detection using MMdetection3D code.
Option 1:
(1) Download a selected Objaverse subsets that contains 10-class objects belongs to SUNRGBD, based on a Objaverse id list: objaverse.json (detailed statistics in paper Table 1).
(2) Transfer raw '.glb' format to '.obj' format for easier loading and process in Blender during insertion.
python export_glb_2_obj.py
all Objaverse raw objects saved into a folder '/data/objaverse/obj'
Option 2:
Directly download processed objaverse objects in '.obj' format and 'objaverse.json' from here
After downloadeing or process, the data should follow the following structure.
├── objaverse
│ ├── obj # folder that contains all .obj folders for each object
│ ├── objaverse.json
Download and process SUN RGB-D dataset following the instructions from mmdetection3d here.
Note: during process, substitute the original 'extract_rgbd_data_v2.m' with '/matlab_sunrgbd/[update]extract_rgbd_data_v2.m', which will save extra pointcloud, raw_depth, xyz_depth, rgb_raw than the raw extract_rgbd_ata_v2.m file. The processed data is useful for the following insertion. SUN RGB-D data structure understanding is helpful for data processing and how to convert the dataset for final monocular 3D object detection model training using MMdetection3D.
After process, the dataset structure should be as below. Note: The 'sunrgbd_trainval' folder contains more contents than the folder that following original mmdetection3d instructions here.
├── README.md
├── matlab
│ ├── extract_rgbd_data_v1.m
│ ├── extract_rgbd_data_v2.m
│ ├── extract_split.m
│ ├── SUNRGBDMeta2DBB_v2.mat
│ ├── SUNRGBDMeta3DBB_v2.mat
│ ├── SUNRGBDtoolbox
├── sunrgbd_trainval
│ ├── calib
│ ├── depth
│ ├── image
│ ├── label
│ ├── label_v1
│ ├── seg_label
│ ├── train_data_idx.txt
│ ├── val_data_idx.txt
│ ├── pointcloud
│ ├── raw_depth
│ ├── xyz_depth
│ ├── rgb_raw
├── points
├── sunrgbd_infos_train.pkl
├── sunrgbd_infos_val.pkl
(1) Download the RGBDPlaneDetection code RGBDPlaneDetection
(2) Resize both RGB images and depth from SUN RGB-D to 640x480 (raw RGB image size is 730x530). The reason of resize is because RGBDPlaneDetection use 640x480 as default image and depth size.
python plane_detection_1_resize_to_640480.py
(3) Run plane detection and reconstruction for all SUN RGB-D training data, given RGB and depth as input
cd RGBDPlaneDetection
bash run_RGBDPlaneDetection.sh
(4) Calculate statistics of each reconstructed plane, save mean, std, max, min for following horizontal plane selection later.
python plane_detection_2_plane_analysis.py
(5) Based on the plane statistics, find the horizontal plane and floor.
python plane_detection_3_floor_detection_and_filter.py
Option 1:
Clone and build InverseRenderingOfIndoorScene
bash runRealSUNRGBD_train.sh
(1)'--dataRoot' a image folder that contains all interested images you want to run environment map estimation, here is SUN RGB-D images
(2)'--imList' a txt file to store the image name (e.g., 007503.png, 007504.png...).
It will generate envmap in 'RealSUNRGBD/envmap'.
Option 2:
Directly download the processed envmap from here
Note: For easier management, you may move the envmap folder under 'sunrgbd_trainval' folder.
In step 1.2, we already preprocess the SUN RGB-D dataset, we also add plane reconstrution (step2) and lighting estimation results (step3).
prepare "SUNRGBD_objects_statistic.json" which save the mean and std of object hight for each interest class
python SUNRGBD_objects_statistic.py
Prepare a Blender template "insertion_template.blend" which can help generate the shadows and other predefined rendering parameters (you can download it from here)
After all above processes, move all above materials under folder 'sunrgbd_trainval'. It should has a following data structure. (# We add some comments for some important folder that we will use during the insertion.)
├── README.md
├── matlab
│ ├── extract_rgbd_data_v1.m
│ ├── extract_rgbd_data_v2.m
│ ├── extract_split.m
│ ├── SUNRGBDMeta2DBB_v2.mat
│ ├── SUNRGBDMeta3DBB_v2.mat
│ ├── SUNRGBDtoolbox
├── sunrgbd_trainval
│ ├── calib # save the camera extrinsic and intrinsic for rendering the inserted object. We use is during Blender rendering.
│ ├── depth
│ ├── image
│ ├── label
│ ├── label_v1
│ ├── seg_label
│ ├── train_data_idx.txt # save the 4 digit SUNRGBD image id e.g., "5051"
│ ├── val_data_idx.txt
│ ├── pointcloud # save the scene point cloud data
│ ├── raw_depth
│ ├── xyz_depth
│ ├── rgb_raw
│ ├── envmap # save the environment map data in step3
│ ├── plane # save the reconstructed plane information in step2
│ ├── object_statistics # save the mean and std of object hight for each interest class
│ ├── SUNRGBD_objects_statistic.json # save the mean and std of object hight for each interest class
│ ├── insertion_template.blend # save the mean and std of object hight for each interest class
├── points
├── sunrgbd_infos_train.pkl
├── sunrgbd_infos_val.pkl
First render inserted object images with groundtruth 3D bounding box, then paste it on the original scene images, generate the final images.
python 3d_copy_paste.py
(1) Git clone MMdetection3D code.
(2) Substitute two data creation files in our imvoxelnet folder to mmdetection3d/tools/dataset_convers: 'indoor_converter.py', 'sunrgbd_data_utils.py'
Copy one data creation files in our imvoxelnet folder to mmdetection3d/tools: 'create_imvoxelnet_dataset.py'
(3) ImvoxelNet dataset creation with 3D Copy Paste augmentation.
python create_imvoxelnet_dataset.py sunrgbd --root-path ./data/sunrgbd --out-dir ./data/insertion_ilog2_istren2_context
--extra-tag sunrgbd --insert_set insert_img/insert/insertion_ilog2_istren2_context --index_txt insert_only_train_data_idx.txt --workers 32
Copy training config file in our imvoxelnet folder to mmdetection3d/configs/imvoxelnet: 'config_insertion_ilog2_istren2_context.py'
bash tools/dist_train.sh \
configs/imvoxelnet/config_insertion_ilog2_istren2_context.py 2