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The self-hosted video game tracker

What is Slaanesh about?

Slaanesh is a game tracker, allowing for keeping track of games played as well as maintaining a wishlist and backlog.

It's a beta release, will it keep my data safe?

Yes, absolutely!

This is why Slaanesh offers a simple export functionality. Even if Slaanesh somehow corrupts its database, as long as you at least occasionally press the csv export button, all your data will be safe in a very easy to read and easily accessible text format. Just make sure that both the database and export directory are part of the 3-2-1 backup system you are using for your server already anyway. If you don't run a 3-2-1 backup system on your server, then you have bigger things to worry about than Slaanesh ;)

With that in mind, this still absolutely is a beta release. Not a "I've been using it for months and just calling it beta" release, but a true beta. Maybe alpha. Expect bugs - and ideally report or even help fix them, please.


playing playing game editor game editor played played add game settings overview overview

Setup and installation

IGDB API token

Slaanesh uses the IGDB API for all game data. For Slaanesh to work, you need to be able to acces the IGDB API. This is how you can register: You then need to save your client id and client secret in the Slaanesh config file.

Be aware: Client id and secret are (for now) stored in plain text. Doing so for your regular Twitch account (in case you already have one) is obviously a bad idea. In that case, best create a fresh one for dedicated use only as Slaanesh API slave.

Docker setup

Create all necessary directories, adjust config file (IGDB token data! See sample config.ini in this repository) and copy it to the config directory. Also adjust the docker-compose.yml to match your setup.

    container_name: slaanesh
    user: 1000:1000                          # or any other UID/GID that fit your setup
    restart: unless-stopped
      - your_config_dir:/files/config        # adjust path
      - your_import_dir:/files/import        # adjust path
      - your_export_dir:/files/export        # adjust path
      - your_covers_dir:/files/covers        # adjust path
      - your_database_dir:/files/database    # adjust path
      - your_downloads_dir:/files/downloads  # adjust path
      - 8428:8080                            # remove if using reverse proxy and accessing via container name

Once it's set, simply pull and start the image:

docker compose up -d

Slaanesh should now be running on your specified port (8428 by default).

Directories and the config file

Make sure to place the sample config file in the config directory. Slaanesh will not work without a config file containing least the mandatory IGDB info.

Folders to mount are:

  • config - Config file location (and potentially the encrypted IGDB access information once encrypted is implemented)
  • import - place csv files for import here, must be named gamelist.csv and playthroughs.csv
  • export - receive exported files from here, both database exports (gamelist.csv and playthroughs.csv) as well as the name to IGDB ID matching tool output
  • covers - game covers are saved here, you can manually edit them if necessary
  • database - location of the Slaanesh database, do not edit manually but if you value your data, make sure it is part of your 3-2-1 backup system, and also make sure to check backup integrety and practise restores regularly
  • downloads - location where files to be downloaded from the webgui will be.

Scope and roadmap


Features I am currently slowly but actively working on (pull requests still very welcome for support on these):

  • Adding additional columns, as well as an option to show/hide columns. Useful ones I'd add:
    • Time played or time to complete to games (ideally linking to the API to pull the completion times - although I don't think there is a good way to match IGDB IDs to HLTB IDs and search by name is quite error-prone, so at first it'd just be a user input field), linked to playthrough table
    • Ratings for games, linked to playthrough table
    • Game version, linked to playthrough table
    • Secondary and maybe tertiary comment field for more flexible options (e.g. to record extra info for DLCs or similar)
    • Moving platform info from game to playthrough table
    • Adding status info to playthrough table, differentiating the played status' within that table for each pt
  • General UI improvements, especially considering responsiveness - there is probably a lot that can be done with asyncio which I have barely used so far
  • Build a native mode version for local (not self-hosted) usage
  • Make it render properly on mobile
  • Enable adding Twitch client ID and secret via the UI, save them not in plain text in the config file but encrypted somewhere else

Not in scope

Slaanesh does not and will not include:

  • Anything other than video games
  • Social media features
  • The ability to download or start games from within Slaanesh - it's a tracker, not a launcher
  • Translations: At least not unless this really picks up and a proper use case for translating it arises
  • Authentication: There are amazing tools for that, for example caddy or authentik, that allow for user authentication and redirecting to their own instance of Slaanesh - anything I can build wouldn't be safe enough to expose it to the web, better not offer the option in the first place and thus ensure that users rely on professional tools for this critical feature

Feature wishlist

Pull requests to implement these are extremely welcome. I'm not currently working on these, but might after the completing the roadmap:

  • A proper fuzzy search with a list of games matching the game name when adding games by name, complete with a selection dialog including covers to pick the correct one easily
  • More store IDs than just Steam (including config options to enable/disable)
  • General code cleanup, making things neat and doing some proper coding paradigm stuff instead of randomly mashing functions

How to contribute

Bug reports are always useful (if you run into bugs, which of course I hope won't happen ...).

Even better, it'd be absolutely awesome if you could submit a pull request for anything that might need fixing or improving :)