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Lou Franco edited this page Jun 3, 2013 · 1 revision

Follow the normal Heroku Django procedure

Pick a database -- ClearDB has MySQL or use the built-in PostgreSQL or anything Django supports. This repo is mostly tested on MySQL and the Hilltown Seed Network's deployment uses MySQL.

You need SMTP for the forgot password feature. Sendgrid has a free plan

heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter

Set the environment, for example:

# Set up your URL based on the dj_database_url format, here's a MySQL example
heroku config:set DATABASE_URL='mysql://user:pwd@host:port/database'

# Make up a unique Django secret key for your deployment -- keep it secret
heroku config:set SEEDNETWORK_SECRETKEY='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

# Get these from sendgrid (or your email provider). These are examples
heroku config:set SEEDNETWORK_EMAIL_HOST=''
heroku config:set SEEDNETWORK_EMAIL_PORT=848
heroku config:set SEEDNETWORK_EMAIL_HOST_USER='[email protected]'
heroku config:set SEEDNETWORK_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='D(f8ds44df98dsdf'

# This is the from address on the forgot password email
heroku config:set SEEDNETWORK_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL='[email protected]'

The collectstatic for this app needs the environment variables during deploy, so you need to install user-env-compile in Heroku. If you don't see images or the CSS isn't loading, this is probably the reason.

heroku labs:enable user-env-compile -a seednetwork
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