log.sh is a lightweight and no dependencies JSON logger for POSIX Shell Script.
This logger has been minimized as much as possible for copy-and-paste portability, at the expense of readability.
NOTE: log.sh only supports JSON with string values. JSON such as {"number":123}
cannot be output. In the case of log.sh, it will be {"number":"123"}
NOTE: log.sh cannot output any control characters other than \n
There are two ways.
Copy the log.sh functions in the shell script file (index.html
) and paste them where you want to use them.
(file name index.html
may seem strange, but it's necessary for me to serve Shell Script file in GitHub Pages with as short URL https://hakadoriya.github.io/log.sh/
as possible)
You can load a shell script function via the Internet as follows:
$ eval "$(curl -fLSs --tlsv1.2 https://hakadoriya.github.io/log.sh/)"
$ LogshInfoJSON hello foo bar HOSTNAME ${HOSTNAME}
{"timestamp":"2021-11-26T08:02:08+09:00","severity":"INFO","caller":"-bash","message":"hello","foo":"bar","HOSTNAME":"localhost"} # <- NOTE: stderr
$ # And so on...
$ # LogshDefaultJSON, LogshDebugJSON, LogshInfoJSON, LogshNoticeJSON, LogshWarningJSON, LogshErrorJSON, LogshCriticalJSON, LogshAlertJSON and LogshEmergencyJSON
$ LogshInfoJSON hello foo bar HOSTNAME ${HOSTNAME} ctrl "$(printf "\n\t\r")" cannot-tail-lf "$(printf "\t\r\n")" cannot-other-ctrl-chars "$(printf "\x01\x7F")"
{"timestamp":"2021-11-26T08:02:08+09:00","severity":"INFO","caller":"-bash","message":"hello","foo":"bar","HOSTNAME":"localhost","ctrl":"\n\t\r","cannot-tail-lf":"\t\r","cannot-other-ctrl-chars":""} # <- NOTE: stderr
$ LogshInfoJSON hello foo bar HOSTNAME ${HOSTNAME} ctrl "$(printf "\n\t\r")" cannot-tail-lf "$(printf "\t\r\n")" cannot-other-ctrl-chars "$(printf "\x01\x7F")" 2>&1 | jq .
"timestamp": "2021-11-26T08:02:34+09:00",
"severity": "INFO",
"caller": "-bash",
"message": "hello",
"foo": "bar",
"HOSTNAME": "localhost",
"ctrl": "\n\t\r",
"cannot-tail-lf": "\t\r" # <- NOTE: log.sh can't output field value tail '\n'
"cannot-other-ctrl-chars": "" # <- NOTE: log.sh can't output other control characters
$ # Severity threshold
$ export LOGSH_LEVEL=0; LogshDefaultJSON "output"; LogshDebugJSON "output"; LogshInfoJSON "output"
$ export LOGSH_LEVEL=1; LogshDefaultJSON "NO OUTPUT"; LogshDebugJSON "output"; LogshInfoJSON "output"
$ export LOGSH_LEVEL=101; LogshDefaultJSON "NO OUTPUT"; LogshDebugJSON "NO OUTPUT"; LogshInfoJSON "output"
$ # +------------------+------------------------+
$ # | Function | LOGSH_LEVEL threshold |
$ # +------------------+------------------------+
$ # | LogshDefaultJSON | 0 |
$ # | LogshDebugJSON | 100 |
$ # | LogshInfoJSON | 200 |
$ # | LogshNoticeJSON | 300 |
$ # | LogshWarningJSON | 400 |
$ # | LogshErrorJSON | 500 |
$ # | LogshCriticalJSON | 600 |
$ # | LogshAlertJSON | 700 |
$ # | LogshEmergencyJSON | 800 |
$ # +------------------+------------------------+
$ # Change timestamp timezone
$ TZ=UTC LogshInfoJSON hello foo bar 2>&1 | jq .
"timestamp": "2021-11-27T11:19:15+00:00", # <- NOTE: TZ=UTC
"severity": "INFO",
"caller": "-bash",
"message": "hello",
"foo": "bar"
$ # Change field key name
$ LogshInfoJSON hello foo bar 2>&1 | jq .
"ts": "2021-11-27T20:21:55+09:00", # <- NOTE: LOGSH_TIMESTAMP_KEY
"file": "-bash", # <- NOTE: LOGSH_CALLER_KEY
"msg": "hello", # <- NOTE: LOGSH_MESSAGE_KEY
"foo": "bar"
$ # LogshExecJSON
$ LogshExecJSON date +%F
{"timestamp":"2021-11-27T20:25:03+09:00","severity":"INFO","caller":"-bash","message":"$ date +%F"} # <- NOTE: stderr
$ # LogshRunJSON
$ LogshRunJSON sh -c "echo out; echo err 1>&2; exit 1"
{"timestamp":"2021-11-27T20:25:27+09:00","severity":"INFO","caller":"-bash","message":"$ date +%F","command":"date +%F","stdout":"2021-11-27","stderr":"","return":"1"} # <- NOTE: stderr
$ LogshRunJSON sh -c "echo out; echo err 1>&2; exit 1" 2>&1 | jq .
"timestamp": "2021-11-27T20:26:46+09:00",
"severity": "INFO",
"caller": "-bash",
"message": "$ sh -c 'echo out; echo err 1>&2'",
"command": "sh -c 'echo out; echo err 1>&2'",
"stdout": "out",
"stderr": "err",
"return": "1"
The following tools are used for development.
- formatter ...
- linter ...