This repository presents a dense subframe-based SLAM framework using side-scan sonar, which is able to improve the accuracy of AUV pose trajectory from dead-reckoning data, and reconstruct a quasi-dense bathymetry of the seabed.
This code is released under a GPLv3 license.
If you use this code in an academic work, please cite the following paper (link):
title={A Dense Subframe-based SLAM Framework with Side-scan Sonar},
author={Jun Zhang and Yiping Xie and Li Ling and John Folkesson},
We have tested the library in Ubuntu 20.04.5, but it should be easy to compile in other platforms.
We use some functionalities of c++11, and the tested gcc version is 9.4.0.
Download and install instructions can be found at: Required at least 1.65.0.
We use OpenCV to manipulate images and features. Download and install instructions can be found at: Tested with OpenCV 4.6.
Required by GTSAM (see below). Download and install instructions can be found at: Required at least 2.91.0.
We use gtsam library to perform non-linear optimizations. Tested with GTSAM 4.2
Clone the repository:
git clone sssslam
We provide a CMakeLists.txt
to build the libraries.
Please make sure you have installed all required dependencies (see section 2).
Then Execute:
cd sssslam
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This will create
- at build folder,
and the executable test_demo in build folder.
The command to run the executable file is:
../bin/./test_demo --image ../test_data/img-xml/ --pose ../test_data/pose-xml/ --altitude ../test_data/altitude/ --groundrange ../test_data/groundrange/ --annotation ../test_data/annos-xml/ --pointcloud ../test_data/pointcloud-xml/
- --image: the canonical transformed (or normal, should also work) side-scan image is saved in xml file of OpenCV (using the function cv::FileStorage()), in the size of NxM, where N is the number of pings, and M is the number of bins;
- --pose: the initial pose (dead-reckoning) is also saved in xml file, in size of Nx6 (roll,pitch,yaw,x,y,z).
- --altitude: the altitude of AUV is saved in txt, in the size of Nx1;
- --groundrange: the ground range of side-scan image is also saved in txt, in the size of (M/2)x1;
- --annotation: the ground truth annotation of keypoints (used for evaluation) is saved as xml file, in the size of Kx7 (source_img_id, target_img_id, u_source,v_source, u_target, v_target, prior_depth), and K is the number of keypoint correspondences. One could modify the code to ignored the annotation input if there are no annotations available.
- --pointcloud: the 3d point cloud corresponding to the side-scan image of the size NxMx3, which could come from MBES data if available. Note that this only has been in test, and it is not used in the refered paper.
The details of cannonical transformation for side-scan image can be found in SSS Canonical Representation. If you use the code of canonical transformation in an academic work, please cite the following paper (link):
author={Xu, Weiqi and Ling, Li and Xie, Yiping and Zhang, Jun and Folkesson, John},
booktitle={OCEANS 2023 - Limerick},
title={Evaluation of a Canonical Image Representation for Sidescan Sonar},