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The RabbitMQ GELF appender is a customer appender for the log4net logging framework which publishes log messages onto RabbitMQ message bus using the GELF (json) format.


download the nuget package from the repository

change your app/web config file

sample config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,Log4net" />
    <appender name="rabbitmq.gelf.appender" type="rabbitmq.log4net.gelf.appender.GelfRabbitMqAppender, rabbitmq.log4net.gelf.appender">
      <HostName value="localhost" />
      <VirtualHost value="/" />
      <Port value="5672" />
      <Exchange value="log4net.gelf.appender" />
      <Username value="guest" />
      <Password value="guest" />
      <Facility value="sample-application" />

      <level value="ERROR" />
      <appender-ref ref="rabbitmq.gelf.appender" />


Gelf Format

Use case

Sending your log messages onto a message bus (RabbitMQ) means they can be picked up easily and processed by a variety of consumers.

In particular it's handy with a log aggregator like LogStash. Just configure the RabbitMQ input and use Kibana to search the ElasticSearch database of your logs.


Version 0.2

  • If logger logs an Exception tge GELF message is populated with additional information: _ExceptionType, _ExceptionStackTrace, _InnerExceptionType, _InnerExceptionMessage
  • The same happens when an exception object is provided when logging a message
  • More information from the LoggingEvent is populated in the GELF message: _ThreadName and _Domain
  • The full_message is only populated from a string when the original string is too long for short_message
  • When the Message Formatters don't populate short_message it's populated with the type of the logged object

Version 0.1.7

  • A property called message (case insensitive) in a logged object is mapped to GELF short_message

Version 0.1.6

  • Explicit Client Properties for RabbitMQ connections make it easier to identify connected appenders

Version 0.1.5

  • You can specify Facility for the GELF message in the appender config file