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Beautifully simple user profile directories with frontend login, registration and account customization. WP User Manager is the best solution to manage your community and your users for WordPress.


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=== WP User Manager - User Profile Builder & Membership ===
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Contributors: wpusermanager, polevaultweb, alessandro.tesoro
Tags: members, membership, community, user profile, user registration
Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 5.6
Requires PHP: 5.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Stable Tag: 2.4.2

The most customizable profiles & community builder WordPress plugin with front-end login, registration, profile customization and content restriction.

== Description ==

= The most customizable profiles & community builder WordPress plugin =

[WP User Manager]( lets you create highly customizable user profiles together with custom user registration, login, password recovery and account customization forms to your WordPress website.

[WP User Manager]( is the best solution to manage your community. Powerful and flexible, yet easy to setup and use. With WP User Manager you can create almost any type of WordPress membership website where your visitors can join and become members.

Create a custom login page, have full control over the registration form, give your site a member area, let the users manage their user data.

[Website]( | [Addons]( | [Documentation]( | [Support](

= Features included =

- [Frontend forms]( Allow users to register and login from the front of the site. Customized the registration form
- [Custom email notifications]( Customize the emails sent to users when the register, reset their password and more
- [Custom avatars]( Users can edit their site avatar by uploading an image from the account page
- [Elegant user profiles]( All users have a public profile page to display their data
- [Shortcodes editor]( Easily add the plugin shortcodes to pages or posts with the shortcode generator and editor
- [Roles editor]( Edit roles and their capabilities. Create new roles and duplicate existing ones
- [Beautiful user directories]( Display users in a directories that can be displayed anywhere on the site
- [SEO URLs]( All the URLs are SEO friendly
- [Content restriction]( Restrict content for certain users, by logged in status, or by role
- [Passwords management]( Allow users to update their password from their account page
- [Custom fields editor]( Create custom user fields that can be used to collect data on registration
- [Custom widgets]( Display user data and forms in sidebars using widgets
- [Custom redirects]( Control where the users are redirected to on login, registration and more
- [Powerful tools]( Tools to be in control of your site and who registers
- [Developers friendly]( Customize and integrate with other plugins with a large number of hooks and filters
- [Extensive documentation]( Full documentation and expert support
- Translation Ready - The plugin and addons are fully localized ready for translation

Read more about our features on [](

= Premium Features =

For more advanced functionality check out the [pricing page](

- [Custom Fields]( Add custom fields to members profiles and registration forms
- [WooCommerce]( Integration with WooCommerce. Allow members to update their billing and shipping addresses, display product purchases, reviews and more!
- [User Verification]( Send a verification link via email upon registration or manually approve users before they can login
- [Groups]( Give your users the ability to create and join groups
- [Registration Forms]( Create unlimited registration forms, customize forms with HTML, and have full control over form settings
- [Advanced Custom Fields]( Collect [ACF]( user data at registration and allow users to see and edit the data on their profile
- [Social Login & Registration]( Allow your users to quickly login and register with their favorite social network account, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn & Instagram
- [Private Content]( Provide private content for all your users, as well as user specific content so you can tailor for each member
- [Mailchimp]( Sync users with Mailchimp upon registration & more
- [Google reCAPTCHA]( Stop spam registrations on your website for free
- [Content Restriction Plus]( One-click restriction to posts, pages and custom post types
- [WPML]( Translate your custom fields, field groups, registration forms, and emails using [WPML](
- [Personal Data]( Allows the user to request an export of personal data and request erasure of personal data from the account page for GDPR compliance
- [Delete Account]( Allows the user to delete their own profile from the frontend account page

= Free Extensions =

- [Newsletter]( Subscribe your members to your Newsletter plugin lists easily during registration
- [Username Length]( Set minimum and maximum characters length for usernames

= Translations =

Want to add a new language to WP User Manager? Awesome! You can contribute via []( Please read the official [translation tutorial]( for more information.

= Support =

Support is provided only through the [support forum]( Join the [support forum]( to ask questions and get help regarding WP User Manager. Free support is provided exclusively for bugs and help using the plugin. Please read the support policy [](

Before opening a [support topic]( please read the [faqs]( and [documentation](

Support for premium addons is provided exclusively [through the premium support platform]( Support for premium addons cannot be provided through due to the rules put in place by the team.

== Installation ==

Please read our detailed documentation here [](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Install instructions =

Please refer to the [official documentation](

= Does WPUM work with any theme? =
 WP User Manager has been designed and coded to seamlessly integrate with any properly coded WordPress theme. However, each theme is coded differently and the quality of the code can vary. To avoid potential issues and conflicts, WPUM adds very little css and js to your website. If your theme is properly coded, WPUM should adapt itself to your site layout. Although we cannot guarantee that the plugin works with all themes.

= My emails aren't delivering =
Please refer to the [official documentation](

= Is WP User Manager GDPR compliant? =

Please refer to the [official documentation for gdpr compliance](

WP User Manager provides add-ons to comply with the right of erasure and the right

Please note that using WPUM and the mentioned add-ons does NOT guarantee compliance to GDPR. WPUM gives you general information and tools, but is NOT meant to serve as complete compliance package. As the owner of your website, it is your responsibility to ensure that your site is compliant with the regulations. Please always contact an attorney for accurate information, we are not responsible for your website GDPR compliance and we can’t be held accountable for any legal issues.

== Screenshots ==

1. Fields groups editor, customize name and description and add new ones.
2. Fields editor page from here you can adjust the order edit each field's settings etc..
3. Individual fields settings editor.
4. Registration forms fields editor: add, remove, edit fields and setup custom user role for the form.
5. Emails editor
6. Live emails editor.
7. Emails editor dynamic tags.
8. User directories editor.
9. Single member profile example.
10. Example of a directory.
11. Account customization page.
12. Registration form.
13. Login form.

== Changelog ==

= 2.4.2 (23rd December 2020) =

- New: Shortcode for restricting content to logged out users only
- New: Restrict blocks content to logged out users only
- New: Add block & shortcode argument to show or hide restricted message
- Improvement: WPML addon compatibility improvements
- Improvement: Other addon compatibility tweaks
- Improvement: License checking for addons
- Fix: PHP warning if no users/roles selected for block restriction
- Fix: Menu item settings not showing if another plugin extends Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit

= 2.4.1 (11th December 2020) =

- New: Enable plugin auto-updates for WP User Manager addons
- Fix: PHP Warning: array_map(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array when a viewing an empty repeater field
- Fix: Undefined $ JavaScript notice on the WPUM Licenses page
- Fix: Carbon Fields JavaScript notice on the WPUM Licenses page
- Fix: Plugin table addon update notice rows styled differently to others

= 2.4 (11th December 2020) =

- New: Roles editor to add, edit and delete user roles, and customize role capabilities
- New: Repeater field with the [Custom Fields addon](
- New: Setting to control the default display name for registered users
- New: Setting to restrict the wp-admin dashboard for specific roles
- New: Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8
- New: Compatibility with WordPress Twenty Twenty-One theme
- Improvement: Warning notice when the site permalinks are set as the plain default, which breaks profile and account pages
- Improvement: Added 'wpum_admin_pages_capability' filter for the capability to show plugin admin pages
- Improvement: Added filters to control the strong password requirements
- Improvement: Datepicker field value now returned in the localized format
- Improvement: Email and password fields added to the registration form by default on plugin install
- Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in registration form when no role selected
- Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index: priority (again)
- Fix: Wrong text domain for 'current password' (props [apermo](

= 2.3.13 (23rd November 2020) =

- New: [WPML]( addon. Give your users to translate custom fields, field Groups, registrations forms, and emails using [WPML](
- Improvement: Add 'wpum_directory_users' and 'wpum_directory_users_total' filters to allow changing of users displayed in a directory
- Improvement: Added hooks and filters for developers to use around login, and profile updates
- Improvement: Profile page styling
- Improvement: Directory responsive styling
- Improvement: File URLs now linked on profile
- Fix: Incorrect text domain and outdated .pot file
- Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index: priority
- Fix: Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed on file upload
- Fix: Incorrect terms page link in registration form if terms link is enabled but page not selected
- Fix: Field group description styling
- Fix: Delete field button styling issue

= 2.3.12 (12th October 2020) =

- New: [Groups]( addon. Give your users the ability to create and join groups
- New: [Private Content]( addon. Provide private content for all your users, as well as user specific content so you can tailor for each member
- New: [Content Restriction Plus]( addon. One-click restriction to posts, pages and custom post types
- Improvement: Add 'wpum_send_registration_admin_email' filter to allow disabling the admin emails on user register
- Fix: Password protected posts redirecting to login after entering password, when wp-login.php is restricted in settings
- Fix: Avatar overlapping name in user directory on some themes
- Fix: User directory not full width on some themes

= 2.3.11 (23rd September 2020) =

- Addon compatibility fixes

= 2.3.10 (18th September 2020) =

- Improvement: Added field type icons to the fields in the edit registration form screen
- Improvement: Validate email addresses on registration form submission in case HTML validation disabled
- Fix: Settings not saved on installs that force a trailing slash to the URL
- Fix: Fatal error if same page chosen for the profile and account pages
- Fix: Change page title to 'Log In' instead of 'Login'
- Fix: Images stretched on the addons page
- Fix: Translation issue in terms text

= 2.3.9 (28th August 2020) =

- New: Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
- Improvement: Add filter 'wpum_admin_registration_confirmation_email_attachments' for attachments for the new registration admin email
- Improvement: Add filter 'wpum_registration_enabled' to override the users_can_register setting
- Fix: Registration form checkbox settings not persisting after save
- Fix: Registration form block showing register link instead of login link

= 2.3.8 (26th June 2020) =

- Fix: Fatal error if Personal Data or Delete Account addon activated but no premium addons

= 2.3.7 (23th June 2020) =

- New: Compatibility with [Registration Forms]( addon v1.1.0 - add custom HTML to your registration forms
- Fix: Personal Data and Delete Account addons not receiving updates

= 2.3.6 (9th June 2020) =

- New: Newsletter addon which integrates with the [Newsletter plugin](
- Improvement: Simplified avatar image styling on the profile page
- Fix: Fatal error at registration if user can select their role
- Fix: Duplicated image file field if registration is prevented due to a validation error

= 2.3.5 (1st June 2020) =

- New: Directory search - dropdown to select which fields to search in (compatible with Custom Fields addon)
- New: [Advanced Custom Fields]( addon. Collect ACF user data at registration and allow users to see and edit the data on their profile
- New: Compatibility with [Custom Fields]( addon v2.1.0 - new field types (Video, Audio, WYSIWYG, Telephone), directory search integration
- Fix: Directory search returning incorrect results when directory limited by role
- Fix: File upload size not validating on the registration form
- Fix: File upload max size not displaying on the registration form
- Fix: Password reset form not validating that both passwords are the same when the setting to not enforce strong passwords is enabled

= 2.3.4 (7th May 2020) =

- Improvement: Filters 'wpum_profile_display_cover_image' and 'wpum_profile_display_avatar' to control displaying the profile cover and avatar images
- Improvement: Filter 'wpum_redirect_after_login' to customize the redirect URL after login for users
- Improvement: Filter 'wpum_form_error_message' to allow filtering error messages, useful for translations
- Fix: Custom fields and registration forms pages don't load when using the Site Kit by Google plugin
- Fix: Addon emails being overwritten if plugin is deactivated and activated again

= 2.3.3 (27th April 2020) =

- Fix: Settings page doesn't load when using the Site Kit by Google plugin

= 2.3.2 (26th March 2020) =

- New: Compatibility with Registration Forms v1.0.4
- Fix: Fatal error with when using the Avada theme and Fusion Builder
- Fix: Directory search doesn't work when custom fields added to search keys
- Fix: Emails not sending if wpum_email option doesn't exist
- Fix: Delete registration form button appearing for default form

= 2.3.1 (28th February 2020) =

- Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_user_logged_in() on some installs, especially ClassicPress sites

= 2.3 (26th February 2020) =

- New: Block Editor support! New WPUM blocks for login form, registration form, user directories, and more
- Improvement: Add current password field as confirmation when changing the password on the Account page (enabled with the 'Require Current Password' account setting)
- Fix: User not redirected to profile page after logging in, when logged out and clicking on the the link in the restricted content message

= 2.2.3 (3rd February 2020) =

- Fix: Directory dropdowns for 'Sort By' and 'Results per page' not working unless Search button clicked
- Improvement: Filter 'wpum_get_profile_tab_url' to allow developers to customize the URL of a profile tab link

= 2.2.2 (18th January 2020) =

- New: Compatibility with Registration Forms v1.0.2 (Directories integration)

= 2.2.1 (7th January 2020) =

- Fix: Password not set correctly when creating users via wp-admin
- Fix: Viewing addon plugin details not showing changelog when updates available

= 2.2 (6th January 2020) =

- New: Registration Forms addon. Create unlimited registration forms and have full control over form settings.
- Improvement: Registration form settings moved from main settings page to the form itself
- Fix: PHP 7.1 compatibility issues in wp-optionskit dependency
- Improvement: Filter 'wpum_admin_registration_confirmation_email_recipient' to allow developers to customize the email recipient of the admin registration confirmation email
- Improvement: Filter 'wpum_admin_registration_confirmation_email_headers' to  allow developers to customize the email headers of the admin registration confirmation email

= 2.1.14 (12th November 2019) =

- Improvement: Registration form fields automatically migrated when migrating to v2
- Fix: Registration and password recovery email content lost during migration to v2
- Fix: Settings not saved when DISABLE_FILE_MODS constant is defined true

= 2.1.13 (7th November 2019) =

- New: WooCommerce addon. Allow members to update their billing and shipping addresses, display product purchases, reviews and more!
- Tweak: Added 'wpum_directory_search_query_args' filter for the directory query arguments
- Fix: Checkbox padding style issue in the edit directory screen
- Fix: PHP 7 compatibility warnings
- Fix: Ensure the current user is set on login
- Fix: Fatal error when viewing the plugin details for an addon that has an update

= 2.1.12 (19th October 2019) =

- New: reCaptcha paid addon with support for the Google reCAPTCHA API v3, and API v2 invisible and checkbox reCAPTCHAs.
- Update wp-optionskit package

= 2.1.11 (16th October 2019) =

- Fix: User avatar not saved if changing an existing image on the edit account page
- Fix: Select, dropdown and multiselect fields set as readonly can still be changed
- Fix: Date fields set as readonly still have the date picker and can be changed
- Fix: PHP Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array on first install

= 2.1.10 (4th October 2019) =

- Improvement: Allow the avatar and cover image fields to be added to the registration form
- Fix: Premium Addons not receiving updates
- Fix: Incorrect wording about login behaviour

= 2.1.9 (27th September 2019) =

- WP User Manager has been [acquired by Pole Vault Web](
- Improvement: Added Homepage option for login, logout, and registration redirects for sites showing blog posts as the homepage
- Improvement: Filter `wpum_directory_search_meta_keys` for user meta keys involved in directory search
- Fix: Directory search not finding users when searching by first/last name
- Fix: Excluded usernames check not performing case insensitive check

= 2.1.8 (18th August 2019) =

- Tweak: improved data escaping in some areas.
- Tweak: added filters for developers to modify the profile and content restriction messages.
- Fix: readonly attribute for textarea hiding placeholder.
- Fix: redirect to login page when wp-login is locked instead of the homepage.
- Fix: some characters not accepted into urls for account and profile page.

= 2.1.7 (1st August 2019) =

- Tweak: updated language files to use last version of all strings.
- Tweak: added new filter for developers that allows to modify the subject and content of the registration confirmation email sent to administrators.

= 2.1.6 (11th July 2019) =

- Fix: issue with custom avatars not loading.

= 2.1.5 (11th July 2019) =

- Tweak: updated widgets generator dependency.
- Tweak: updated admin notices generator dependency.
- Tweak: updated templates loader dependency.
- Tweak: added hook after the user changes his password from the account page.
- Tweak: added hook after the user recovers his password from the forgotten password form.
- Fix: cover field in the admin panel would disappear when custom avatars were disabled.

= 2.1.4 (20th June 2019) =

- Fix: admin role should be excluded from menu items unless selected
- Tweak: added utility function for developers to fields groups class.
- Tweak: reduced queries when loading fields in account form.
- Tweak: lowered priority of certain menu items in the account form page.

= 2.1.3 (24th May 2019) =

- Tweak: show an alert to automatically fix missing data when default data hasn't installed.
- Fixed: finish first time data installation after the whole plugin has booted.

= 2.1.2 (13th May 2019) =

- Added: option to disable profile cover image field.
- Fixed: lock access to wp-login.php when enabled.
- Fixed: make sure url is correctly formatted on account page.
- Fixed: make sure pages are published before adding rewrite rules.

= 2.1.1 (24th April 2019) =

- Added: private pages can now be selected through the pages settings in the options panel.
- Fixed: profile page not working when username has special characters.
- Fixed: verify file before uploading - thanks to @kushsharma.
- Fixed: max upload size description function not receiving field attributes properly - thanks to @kushsharma.
- Fixed: edge case preventing options panel to save settings due to capability missing.
- Fixed: custom password overwritten when creating a new user manually in the admin panel.

= 2.1.0 (25th March 2019) =

- Added: custom WPUM registration confirmation email is now sent when creating new users from the admin panel.

= 2.0.9 (25th February 2019) =

- Fix: prevent wp-login.php redirect when the setting is disabled
- Fix: wrongly formatted urls in emails when using third party email providers
- Fix: read only setting for fields not working
- Fix: file max size setting not working
- Fix: login fails when username is email and login method is set to username
- Fix: login widget settings not working
- Tweak: added automatic data installation fixer

= 2.0.8 (22nd October 2018) =

- Fix: when avatars disabled the avatar field would still be visible
- Fix: when changing password, verification fails to detect if passwords do not match
- Fix: when changing password, the form would redirect to the main account page instead of showing the success message
- Tweak: added a toggle to disable the built-in custom menus controller [](

= 2.0.7 (19th September 2018) =

- Fix: profile tabs not correctly loading content in some cases.

= 2.0.6 (10th September 2018) =

- Fix: detection of multiple selected roles within menu visibility rules.
- Fix: encode printing of profile urls.
- Fix: allow spaces and email addresses as usernames when viewing profiles.

= 2.0.5 (31st July 2018) =

- Added: option to disable the built-in strong passwords verification - Users -> settings -> profiles
- Fixed: password update confirmation notice not visible
- Fixed: default emails content not installed during plugin's first installation
- Fixed: profile picture sizing within the account page
- Tweak: updated language files

= 2.0.4 (23th July 2018) =

- Tweak: make "username and email" default login method on plugin first install
- Tweak: no longer show 404 error when accessing the profile page and not logged in
- Fix: redirect loop with the account page when not logged in
- Fix: pages disappearing in some instances when the profile page is not properly configured
- Fix: avatar upload not working on some setups
- Fix: fatal error on plugin activation when using Yoast SEO
- Fix: settings page empty or showing error in some cases

= 2.0.3 (10th July 2018) =
- Fix: error when automatic login after registration is enabled which caused an issue with WooCommerce
- Fix: password recovery broken on older php versions
- Fix: licensing system looking for temporary url instead of live url
- Fix: order of password customization fields on older php versions
- Fix: updated language files
- Fix: force hide avatar field if option not enabled
- Feature: automatically hide "view profile" and disable routing system if no profile page is selected in the admin panel
- Fix: addon license required message still showing when license successfully activated
- Fix: search by fist name and last name in user directory

= 2.0.2 (2nd July 2018) =

- Fix: migration routine not working in some cases.
- Fix: login redirect not working in some cases.
- Fix: compatibility of some functionalities with older php versions.

= 2.0.1 (29th June 2018) =
- Fix: too many parameters sent to the menu editor hook
- Fix: redirect loop when required pages aren't setup as they're supposed to

= 2.0.0 (28th June 2018) =
- Complete rewrite of the plugin read more here: [](

= 1.4.3 =
- Feature: uploaded pdf files are now downloadable through the user's profile.

= 1.4.2 =

- Fix: registration email not sending at the correct time when random password generated.
- Fix: hide datepicker field - was not meant to be there right now

= 1.4.1 =

- Fix: registration date in directory not translatable
- Fix: can't update profile when avatar field is required and image already uploaded
- Fix: {recovery_url} Generates Non-clickable Email Hyperlink on Yahoo and Hotmail
- Fix: directory doesn't respect the role filter if you search by first/last name

= 1.4.0 =

- Added: Control visibility of menu items by user status and/or role.
- Added: Ability to send test email.
- Added: Post author url will now redirect to wpum user profile.
- Fixed: User profile page document title, did not display site name.
- Tweak: "View Profile" link in backend will now open in a new window.

= 1.3.1 =

- fixed: template loader failed to retrieve email templates when customized.
- fixed: multiple duplicate results when searching for users within a directory.

= 1.3.0 =

Checkout an overview of the new features here [](

- added: single profile page document title will now include the user's display name.
- added: password field will now show a "show password" checkbox.
- added: login link shortcode is now hidden when user's logged in.
- added: settings import and export will now include email settings.
- added: role field will now automatically set WP's default role as default option into registration form.
- added: login link in restriction shortcode message will now redirect to previously visited page.
- added: some fields can now be set as read-only.
- added: some fields can now be removed from the account editing page and set as available to admins only.
- added: user directory can now search for first name and last name.
- added: developers can now change the order of the tabs within the account page.
- fixed: deprecated notice into a template file.
- fixed: file upload functionality ignored max file size setting from custom fields addon.
- fixed: checkbox field into backend user's editing page not showing saved options when updated from frontend.
- removed: fields restore option no longer needed.
- removed: referral login redirect option - caused too much confusion.

= 1.2.10 =

- fixed: registration email not sending when auto login + redirect was enabled.

= 1.2.9 =

- tweak: registration email is sent after successful registration hook ( for developers ).
- fixed: password strength validation missing on password reset form.
- fixed: undefined variable within psw reset form.
- fixed: unable to register when using the nickname permalink structure.
- addded: pt_pt language.

= 1.2.8 =

- fixed: Nickname field displays improperly formatted nickname.
- fixed: emails are erased and re-created if plugin is disabled and activated again.
- fixed: minor css enhancements to the fields editor.
- fixed: profile won't load if username has spaces.
- fixed: directory pagination not correctly offsetting when adjusting results per page.
- fixed: directory searches only for currently paginated results if results per page were manually adjusted.
- fixed: registration form would try to send an email when someone tries to register with an existing username.

= 1.2.7 =

- fixed: tool to fix missing fields from previous bug, did not actually fix fields.

= 1.2.6 =

- **Added**: tool to manually fix broken fields from previous bug.
- **Added**: pt_BR translation.
- fixed: slashes - escaping in fields names and descriptions.
- fixed: slashes - escaping in field groups names and descriptions.
- fixed: password reset shortcode expects parameters.

= 1.2.5 =

- **Updated**: German translation (thanks to Tobias)

= 1.2.4 =
- **Added**: License updater handler for addons.
- **Added**: Dutch language support thanks to Patrick

= 1.2.3 =

- **Fixed**: issue with default required fields setting themselves as non required when saving the field settings.

To fix the issue please press the upgrade button into the WP dashboard upon updating the plugin.c

= 1.2.0 =

Checkout an overview of all the new features here [](

- **Added**: you can now import and export the plugin's settings from a site to another.
- **Added**: basic search form functionality into user directories.
- **Added**: developers now have access to a whole new user fields query class similar to WP_Query.
- **Added**: option to always force redirect after login and remove referral page redirect.
- **Added**: password recovery link to wpum dynamic menu items in menu manager.
- **Added**: you can now choose to hide/show fields into the user profile when editing a field.
- **Added**: first name and last name fields can now display full name too into user profile page.
- **Added**: profile page now displays fields group title and description.
- **Added**: several new functions, filters and actions for developers for advanced customizations.
- **Added**: language file updated with new strings.
- **Added**: compatibility for custom fields addon.

- Tweaked: removed admin redirect after plugin update.
- Tweaked: removed unused options from options panel.
- Tweaked: several improvements to fields classes and output.
- Tweaked: user directory will display it's layout even when no users have been found.
- Tweaked: several improvements to fields html output into forms.
- Tweaked: restructured files upload functionality
- Tweaked: fields in profile page have custom classes.
- Tweaked: minor adjustments to profile layout.
- Tweaked: admin role can now be selected for directories.
- Tweaked: minor adjustments to fields list in user profile.
- Tweaked: deleting a group will now also delete it's fields.
- Tweaked: adjustments to fields validation in forms.
- Tweaked: minor ux adjustments to the fields editor.

- Fixed: display correct field type within fields table.
- Fixed: Registration redirect not working when automatic login selected.
- Fixed: typo into already logged in message.

= 1.1.0 =

Checkout an overview of all the new features here [](

- **Added**: Users Overview admin dashboard widget
- **Added**: Improved WordPress menu manager with logged-in and logged-out user specific links
- **Added**: Login link shortcode
- **Added**: Visually highlight required fields
- **Added**: "View Profile" link into admin users table
- **Added**: Login form can now redirect to previously visited page
- **Added**: Login form can now redirect to another page via url query string redirect_to
- **Added**: You can now redirect users to a new page after successful Registration
- **Added**: Password meter to password recovery form
- **Added**: You can now upload a custom logo above html emails
- **Added**: You can now redirect users to another page when they try to reset their password through the wp-login.php form
- **Added**: Password strength meter will now show different colors based on password strength
- **Added**: Simplified Chinese translation
- Tweaked: adjusted widget field description alignment into admin panel
- Tweaked: text spacing in plaintext emails
- Tweaked: simplified description of options into plugin settings panel
- Tweaked: removed duplicated code
- Fixed: users unable to view their own profile pages when members not allowed to view other users profiles

- Developers: introduced wpum_new_user_notification function to send registration email
- Developers: introduced wpum_get_core_page_url filter
- Developers: introduced wpum_login_redirect_url filters
- Developers: added wpum_dashboard_widget_top and wpum_dashboard_widget_bottom actions
- Developers: introduced wpum_registration_redirect_url function

= 1.0.5 =
- added: German language support. Thanks to Tobias
- fixed: users unable to login under certain conditions
- fixed: users unable to update their profile when using nickname permalink structure
- fixed: wrong email being sent to the user if it was created manually via the admin panel
- tweak: wpum_get_login_redirect_url() now uses wp_login_form() redirect parameter by default

= 1.0.4 =
- fixed: restrict file types that can be upload as avatar only to images
- fixed: creation of additional folder on server when uploading avatars

= 1.0.3 =
- added: French language support. Thanks to Doxtra
- fixed: wrong nonce name for emails restore
- fixed: removed nonce validation from login form, this was a leftover from the plugin's beta
- fixed: removed unused code in ajax handler Class
- fixed: login via email and username or email not working
- fixed: remove query string after login when redirecting to same page
- fixed: malformed query string when using captcha + wrong login details
- fixed: random password generation registration broken in wp4.3
- updated: language files

= 1.0.2 =
- Added: added: better way to find and select pages within the admin panel
- Added: allow developers to override the default css file by placing it into the theme
- Fixed: custom template for directory not working
- fixed: custom template loading for profile card shortcode
- fixed: success message still displaying if an error occures when updating the account details - resulting in both success and error message showing up
- fixed: fields not correctly ordered upon installation

= 1.0.1 =
- Added: Russian language file support. Thanks to Ctajleh
- Adjusted: use WP core function when a user deletes the avatar
- Adjusted: redirect to welcome screen only for major updates
- Fixed: show correct success message upon registration when random password is generated
- Fixed: install tables, fields and groups only if first install
- Fixed: emails editor not saving emails correctly

= 1.0.0 =
 Just released ;)


Beautifully simple user profile directories with frontend login, registration and account customization. WP User Manager is the best solution to manage your community and your users for WordPress.







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  • PHP 78.9%
  • Vue 11.1%
  • JavaScript 6.1%
  • SCSS 3.9%