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Calculator is a simple file-based calculator, built as a demo to compete for a job.


The application is built using

  • git,
  • sbt 1.9.8, but sbt versions >= 1.x.y should be fine,
  • scala 3.3.1, but scala versions 3.* should be fine,
  • java 21, but has been tested with java versions >= 17.

Quick Start

Clone the project and switch to the project root:

git clone [email protected]:hardlianotion/calculator.git
cd calculator

Quick build on a POSIX compliant shell is from a script run from the project root:


This will run commands found in the formula script input\defaults.calc.

If you are using Scala 3.3.1, the equivalent build and run sequence using sbt from project root is:

sbt assembly
java -jar target/scala-3.3.1/calculator-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar input/defaults.calc

Further build and usage instructions can be found in section Build and run.

Detailed Calculator Description

Calculator takes a formula file as input and processes each line in the file. A formula file looks like

8 + 9
7 * 6
(1 + 5)^(1 + 1) - (1 - 5)^2
(1 + 5)^(1 + 1)^0 - (1 - 5)^2^0

Lines that represent simple mathematical formulas are parsed into an expression tree. The others are converted into errors. Calculator values each expression it produces and prints the value to screen. Calculator prints out each error it encounters to screen, with the formula that gives rise to it.


  • Calculator models decimals using Double, a floating type,
  • operator ^ has precedence over *, /, which have precedence over +, -,
  • the mathematical operations +, -, ^, \, ^ have the usual mathematical properties:
    • * distributes over +,
    • ^ distributes over *.


  • No consistent number formatting - output typically shows differences between input and output number formats,
  • Parsing error reporting is poor: reported errors are misleading, further work would need to address this,
  • To keep the parsing simple, some unnecessary brackets are placed into the expression tree while parsing.
  • uTest's assert reporting depends on compile-time information, so can't dynamically generate test assertions or identifiers. So error messages some tests look tidy give good output as, long as they pass. The error messages if they fail will be quite confusing.


Calculator parses Strings into Expressions. An Expression is a syntax tree that describes a simple mathematical formula.

Calculator has a few components (unfortunately, one of them is called Calculator - ed)

  • Parser - converts a string into an Expression, if the string is a mathematical formula that the Parser understands, or an error otherwise,
  • Calculator - processes Expression depth-first to produce a value. Calculator can value any Expression produced by Parser,
  • Application - responsible for input and output to Parser and Calculator. Application loads file input into Parser and prints Calculator output to the screen.
  • Calculator Error - describes and logs application errors. The application recognises parsing errors or IO errors.

Build and run

From scripts - On a POSIX compatible shell, call the following fragile bash scripts from the root directory:

  • scripts/ - clears ./bin directory, builds a fat jar and places it at ./bin/calculator.jar.

  • scripts/ <formula-input.calc> - if called with an input file with simple mathematical formulae on each line,

    8 + 9
    7 * 6
    (1 + 5)^(1 + 1) - (1 - 5)^2

    will parse and value line, sending output to the screen.

    otherwise, if run without argument, will run Calculator with the file input/defaults.calc.

  • scripts/ - builds the fat jar and runs Calculator with the file input/defaults.calc.

Using sbt - we can also build the project using sbt.

sbt has the following commands, which take the form sbt <command-name>.

  • clean: remove all intermediate products sbt clean
  • compile: build source into class files sbt compile
  • test: run test cases sbt test
  • run: run the application sbt run
  • assemble: build an executable fat jar sbt assembly

A fat jar contains all the project dependencies, so can be run independently

java -jar target/scala-<scala-version>/calculator-assembly-<version>.jar <formula-input.calc>,

and <formula-input.calc> is optional, as before.
Currently, <scala-version> = 3.3.1 and <version> = "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT".


A calculator that takes file input






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