This library implements a conversion from integer to a string numeral system. It implements two numeral systems :
Just require attic_numeral or roman_numeral and methods to_attic_numeral or to_roman_numeral are added to Fixnum :
6.to_roman_numeral #returns "VI"
287.to_roman_numeral #returns "CCLXXXVII"
287.to_attic_numeral #returns "ΗΗΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΠΙΙ"
Both method can take a overflow: true argument which will attempt to construct the number
9999.to_roman_numeral #returns "MMMMMMMMMCMXCIX
10000.to_roman_numeral #raise exception : ArgumentError: Overflow error, no symbols available for numbers with 10^4 magnitude. (Biggest symbol available : M (1000)), try with overflow=true
10000.to_roman_numeral(overflow: true) #returns "MMMMMMMMMM"
Tests can be launched with rspec