The game is based around Medieval-fantasy themed 2D dungeon crawler.
The goal of the game: Progress as far through the dungeon as you can.
This game is a medieval themed dungeon crawler that utilises the wealt accumulated from completing dungeon levels. The objective is to reach the lowest level in the dungeon, defeat the boss, and save the princess.
The environment will be a set of 2D rooms that you can traverse through.
The player's distance/progression is defined by the last safe room visted, I.E. if they last visited the 50th safe room they have reached level 50 of the dungeon. Upon entering each safe room there are no monsters, the game is auto saved, and you can engage with an NPC to utilise your accumulated wealth to upgrade your character. Killing monsters and completing dungeon rooms grants that in-game welath.
The losing condition of the game consists of the player running out of lives.
The player's end score will be based on their performance; how far they managed to get through the dungeon and how long it took them.
Upon entering dungeon rooms (the enviroment inbetween safe rooms) monsters, items, and other interactable objects potentially spawn. Players can pick up items and interact with objects. The combat of the game is real time and consists of the player utilising their attacks well aiminig them with the direction last travelled.
Tasks for Jono:
- Finish sprites - All sprites and spritesheet is done - Jono Yan
- Rendering engine
- Item parser Library
Tasks for Ali:
- Sound library
Tasks for Charnon:
- Movement Library
Tasks for Harry:
- Map library
Tasks for Gabe:
- Stat Library