Harbor is an enterprise-class docker registry server to store and distribute container images. Follow this document to use MinIO object storage server as a storage backend for Harbor container registry.
- Install and run MinIO server
podman run \
-p 9000:9000 \
-p 9001:9001 \
minio/minio server /data{1...4} --console-address ":9001"
- Install Harbor registry
The binary of the installer can be downloaded from the releases page. Follow harbor installation and configuration guide for further instructions.
Add the s3
configuration to the storage_service section in your harbor/harbor.yml
accesskey: minio
secretkey: minio123
region: us-east-1
regionendpoint: http://minio-endpoint:9000
bucket: harbor
secure: false
v4auth: true
sudo ./install.sh
Creating harbor-jobservice ... done
Creating nginx ... done
✔ ----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----
Note that the default administrator username/password are admin/Harbor12345
Visit http://reg.example.com and login to create a project name myproject
Login to the harbor registry before attempting to push your first image.
docker login reg.example.com
Username: admin
Password: Harbor12345
Login Succeeded
Proceed to push your first image to the harbor registry.
docker tag ubuntu reg.example.com/myproject/myrepo
docker push reg.example.com/myproject/myrepo
The push refers to a repository [reg.example.com/myproject/myrepo]
5eb5bd4c5014: Pushed
d195a7a18c70: Pushed
To check if image has been successfully uploaded login from MinIO browser console through http://YOUR-MINIO-IP:9000 with username minio
and password minio123
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