Jambo Apparel's (NPO) proprietary e-commerce store to sell merchandise without incurring the costs of major platform providers such as Shopify. By having this proprietary online store, the NPO was able save money that is spent on deployment and direct it towards growth and donations for its objective.
In the project directory, do the following to run the project:
- Install npm packages:
npm i
- Start the front-end ReactJS website and the ExpressJS server (Port 9000)
npm run dev
Front-end deployment is automatic using Vercel
- Pushing to
deploys the web app onto the Vercel domain
To deploy the ExpressJS server onto Heroku, do the following:
- Connect to Heroku instance:
heroku git:remote -a {heroku instance name}
- Push server code to Heroku git:
git subtree push --prefix server heroku master
Browse the site, view items in catalog, add them to your shopping cart, and buy!
This is not an open-source project but if you find any issues or bugs with the web app, please let one of the developers know!