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Welcome to Swingset. Swingset is a drop-in component documentation system built for Next.js's App Router and React Server Components.

Note Swingset is currently under active development. We're actively iterating on the core features and APIs, and some things may change.


Install swingset with your package manager of choice:

npm install swingset

Import the plugin in your next.config.mjs file:

// next.config.mjs
import withSwingset from 'swingset'

export default withSwingset({
  componentRoot: './components',
  theme: 'swingset-theme-custom',


App Router native

Swingset is built for the new App Router and React Server Components. Running the bootstrap command will generate a route group for swingset:

$ swingset bootstrap

Generating swingset route group...

Success! Route group created:

  ├ /layout.tsx
  └ /swingset
    ├ /page.tsx
    └ /[...path]
      └ /page.tsx

Component documentation

Document your components with MDX by placing a docs.mdx file next to your component source:


Component prop extraction

Swingset automatically exposes prop metadata for components imported into your documentation.

<PropsTable component={Button} />

Custom documentation

Swingset also supports standalone documentation pages. By default, .mdx files in /app/(swingset)/swingset/docs/ are rendered.

Custom themes

By default, Swingset only exposes the data necessary to fully render your documentation content. Swingset can be configured with a custom theme to control rendering.

// next.config.mjs
import withSwingset from 'swingset'

export default withSwingset({
  componentRoot: './components',
  theme: 'swingset-theme-custom',

Custom remark and rehype plugins

Want to add support for GitHub Flavored Markdown? Swingset accepts remark and rehype plugins.

  • Add remarkGfm
  • Restart your server
  • Render task lists!
// next.config.mjs
import withSwingset from 'swingset'
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'

export default withSwingset({
  componentRoot: './components',
  remarkPlugins: [remarkGfm],

Integrates with @next/mdx

Swingset integrates with @next/mdx by supporting the same mdx-components.ts file at the root of your application. Swingset will make the custom components declared there available.

Use with Storybook

Documentation pages within Swingset are treated as modules. This means that you can import other modules into your .mdx files as you would any other JavaScript file. This works great if you leverage Storybook for component development, as stories are directly consumable from your documentation:

import * as stories from './Button.stories'

# This is the Primary story

<stories.Primary />

